Raipur: Inauguration of new hospital room and children’s swing in the extension building of Chhattisgarh High Court, Bilaspur by Chief Justice Shri Ramesh Sinha.

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Raipur, 21 March 2024

Chief Justice Shri Ramesh SinhaChief Justice Shri Ramesh Sinha

The new hospital room and children’s swing house in the extension building of Chhattisgarh High Court, Bilaspur was inaugurated today by Chief Justice Shri Ramesh Sinha. All the judges were present on this occasion.

It is noteworthy that Chief Justice Shri Ramesh Sinha has been regularly conducting physical inspections of the High Court and District Courts and has been continuously striving for improvement in judicial functioning and better working environment for officers and employees. In this series, a new hospital room and children’s swing house was inaugurated by him today.
Along with the posting of doctors in the new hospital room, complete facilities of first aid and medicines will be available.

An air-conditioned children’s swing house with new furnishings and facilities was inaugurated by the Chief Justice, in which different types of toys are kept for children of different age groups to play. Along with this, attractive decorations for children have been made on the walls. By setting up a separate feeding room and kitchen, various food items have also been made available to the children.

It should be noted that many parents, both husband and wife, are working as officers-employees or advocates in the High Court, in such a situation, having a swing house with all the facilities, they can discharge their duties without any worry regarding their children. Are.

Registrar General and other judicial officers, judicial officers of the Judicial Academy, officers and employees of the Registry were present on this occasion.