Raipur: Food Minister Mr. Baghel gave instructions to provide better facilities for patients.

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Surprise inspection of community health center done

Raipur, 7 March 2024

Surprise inspection of community health center done

Food Minister Shri Dayal Das Baghel made a surprise inspection of Community Health Center Navagarh in Bemetra district and inquired about the health system. Doctors have been instructed to be present in the hospital on time and provide better treatment to the patients. He said that even if serious patients come at night, they should be treated immediately. Patients should not face any kind of problem during treatment. Instructions have been given to ensure availability of adequate quantity of medicines for them.

   During the inspection, the Food Minister interacted with the patients who came for treatment and took information about the health facilities. Along with this, information was taken about the facilities and resources necessary for the patients. Asked to pay special attention to the cleanliness of the community health centre.

   The Food Minister inspected the patients’ wards, medicine distribution room, injection room etc. Took information regarding the quality of food and snacks etc. provided to the patients and gave instructions to provide nutritious food to the patients.

    Minister Shri Baghel has instructed the doctors to make arrangements for drinking water and coolers for the patients in view of the summer season. During this, President Nagar Panchayat Smt. Manju Lata Ratre, S. DM Shri Mukesh God, CMO Nagar Panchayat Shri TR Chauhan were with him.