Chhattisgarh government has changed the entire team of ACB and EOW late on Tuesday evening. Now IPS Govardhan Ram and TR Koshima along with 8 officers of the State Police Service and 15 police inspectors have been given the responsibility.
Everyone in the previous team including DIG Prakhar Pandey and SP Pankaj Chandra have been transferred to the police headquarters. Their posting orders will be issued soon. Many of these officers got posting in the Congress government.
It is being told that most of the officers in the new team sent to ACB have worked with Raipur IG Amresh Mishra. There is discussion that he may be given the responsibility of EOW. Along with him, the name of IPS Shivram Prasad Kalluri is also in discussion.
New team of IPS officers.
ACB officers were removed.