Raipur. In Chhattisgarh, 11 Lok Sabha candidates of BJP have launched the “I am Modi’s family” campaign in Chhattisgarh. MP Santosh Pandey’s statement regarding the campaign has come to light. He said, BJP had promised the people of the state before the elections that they would provide permanent houses to the people before going to the CM House. BJP considers the entire state as its family. Those who make allegations have only nepotism in mind.He further said regarding nepotism, there is no need to speak much on the issue of the accusers. Those who have only a name, they talk about familyism. Those who do not have family, they talk about Vasudev Kutumbakam. We talk about complete Vasudha. We consider the people of the country as our family.
Strong attack on PCC Chief
Not only this, Vijay Baghel has attacked Deepak Baij’s statement of familyism. He said, those who do not believe in democracy talk like this. It is a big thing to say that 140 crore people are family. Only the person who cares about the biggest and the smallest person can say this. The whole world has accepted this. PM Modi does not want to understand Congress. That’s why they say that whether they throw stones or bricks, I will build a strong world with stones and bricks as the foundation stone of Mother India.