Shankaracharya Swami Sadanand Saraswati Maharaj demanded to stop cow slaughter, said- Mother cow should be declared the mother of the nation.

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 Raipur. Shankaracharya of Dwarka Peeth, Swami Sadanand Saraswati Maharaj reached the capital Raipur. He will attend the Sant Samagam in Rajim Kumbh. As soon as he reached Raipur airport, he discussed with the journalists. During this, Shankaracharya Swami Sadanand Saraswati Maharaj put forth the demand to make mother cow the mother of the nation. He said that Mother Cow should be declared the Mother of the Nation so that cow slaughter can be stopped. On the question of how to stop cow slaughter in the North-East, he said that it is the job of the government to implement it.

Talking about the preparation of law on religious conversion in Chhattisgarh, he said that religious conversion is taking place in the entire country. If the law is being brought then it is worthy of praise. Maharaj said on the Sandeshkhali incident, such incidents should not happen.