Raipur. BJP Central Election Committee meeting was held yesterday in Delhi, in which brainstorming took place regarding 11 Lok Sabha seats of Chhattisgarh. BJP sources say that out of six MPs, tickets of four MPs may be cut this time. The party will field two MPs again. Among these two MPs contesting the elections, Durg MP Vijay Baghel has the highest chances. Apart from this, Rajnandgaon MP Santosh Pandey can also contest elections once again.
In the 2019 elections, BJP MPs won 9 out of 11 Lok Sabha seats in Chhattisgarh. In the recently held assembly elections, four of these MPs Vijay Baghel, Arun Sao, Renuka Singh and Gomti Sai were contested. Except Vijay Baghel, all three MPs won the elections. Also, after winning the elections, he resigned from the post of MP.