Inconvenience occurred in the process of providing facilities: Public problem solving camp increased people’s tension, stay

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Shakti. District level public problem solving camp is being organized in the city. This camp has been organized in the premises of Swami Atmanand School located in Railway Station Road, Sakti. In which camps of all departments have been organized. People’s problems are being heard here. But due to the negligence of the officials, instead of solving their problems, this camp has become a problem for the people. Actually, the camp is being organized inside the city. In which thousands of people have arrived from all over the district. Due to which many Sakti routes have been completely blocked. Sakti Railway Station Road is completely blocked. Vehicles have been parked on both sides of the road. A crowd of thousands of people are reaching the camp simultaneously through this road. Due to which the road is completely jammed. Many people who had to catch the train could not reach the station on time and missed their train.

Officers are not found in the camp

Many people who came with their problems from across the district had to return disappointed. Because officials of many departments were not found on the spot. There was no one on the spot to listen to his problem. Most of the people who wanted to get their driving licenses had arrived. But its work could not be started till afternoon and many people returned disappointed and those going to the hospital got stuck in the traffic jam.

People of the city say that it is a district level event. In which thousands of people from across the district have come with their problems. Organizing such a huge program inside the city shows the negligence of the officials. Due to the negligence of the officials, many people who had to catch the train missed their train. At the same time, many people who were going to the hospital also had to go through the traffic jam for hours. They had to wait and missed their train. Many people who were going to the hospital also had to go through the traffic jam for hours.