Jashpurnagar: 1496 workers are housed in Quarantine Center: 1344 men and 152 women are included.

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Jashpurnagar 13 July 2020. About 699 quarantine centers have been set up in various development blocks in Jashpur district under the direction of Collector Shri Mahadev Kavre. The Quarantine Center houses about 1496 workers, laborers, travelers. Which includes 1344 males and 152 females. Of these, 95 people have been kept in 58 quarantine centers of Jashpur development block. Similarly, 33 people in 57 quarantine center of Manora, 76 people in 90 quarantine center of Duldula development block, 114 people in 153 quarantine center of Kunkuri block, 432 people in 55 quarantine center of Farsabhar block, 55 quarantine center of Kasambel block. In 181 people, 214 people have been placed in 128 quarantine center of Pathalgaon development block and 351 people in 103 quarantine center of garden development block.
On the instruction of Collector Shri Kavre, basic facilities along with water, electricity, toilets and food are being provided in the Quarantine Center by the SDM, District CEO and officials of the civic body. Also, their health testing and monitoring is being done. They are then being kept for a 14-day quarantine period. During this time they are being monitored continuously by the medical team.