Research by SIMS doctors: The risk of gestational diabetes is increasing among pregnant women of Chhattisgarh, know what are the main causes and diagnosis of this disease.

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Bilaspur. The risk of gestational diabetes during pregnancy is continuously increasing in women in Chhattisgarh. This surprising thing has come to light in the joint research of the Department of Biochemistry and Department of Gynecology of Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), Bilaspur. In the language of doctors, it is known as gestational diabetes mellitus. Glucose metabolism does not occur completely in the beginning or middle of pregnancy. This condition is called gestational glucose impairment. This condition later turns into gestational diabetes mellitus.

Let us tell you that, according to the report of the Department of Maternal Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, the percentage of women suffering from gestational diabetes during pregnancy in India is 10 to 14.3 percent, which is much higher than the global percentage. Research conducted in the Biochemistry Department at SIMS has also yielded shocking figures. Research conducted on 600 women.
In a pilot study conducted by Dr. Prashant Nigam’s department, out of 600 women, 90 women were found to have glucose more than the prescribed standard based on the results of oral glucose tolerance test for screening of gestational diabetes. According to the above pilot study, among the pregnant women coming to SIMS, 15% women were found to be suffering from gestational diabetes, if extensive research is done, this figure may be more or less. Gestational diabetes poses a threat to mother and child.
Dr. Sangeeta Jogi, Head of Gynecology Department, said that if gestational diabetes is not treated, both mother and child can be in danger. That is why all pregnant women should compulsorily undergo this test. This test is very simple and easy. This test is being done regularly at SIMS, where if gestational diabetes is not treated, abnormally excess amniotic fluid can build up in the mother’s uterus. At the same time, one may have to face various fatal conditions like pre-eclampsia, prolonged or obstructed labor or postpartum hemorrhage. Not only this, the fetus may suffer from miscarriage, death during pregnancy, congenital deformities, respiratory factors. The newborn baby remains at risk even after birth. Major causes and diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
It is noteworthy that there can be many reasons for gestational diabetes, the main reasons of which are genetic factors, conception at an older age, obesity, not consuming nutritious food, inactive lifestyle, polycystic ovary syndrome, not taking proper care during pregnancy and stress. Is included. Also, not getting the test done at the right time is also a major reason. After examination, definitely go to any antenatal care center or medical college for treatment. All facilities for treatment are also available in the Gynecology Department, SIMS. Dean SIMS Dr KK Sahare congratulated the doctors of the Department of Biochemistry and Gynecology for this pilot study and inspired them to do detailed research.