Forest Minister Kashyap took a departmental meeting, said – put a stop to illegal activities, Modi’s guarantee should be fulfilled, officers involved in harvesting, smuggling – employees are not well.

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Raipur. Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap attended the departmental meeting held at Aranya Bhawan Nava Raipur today. While reviewing the departmental meeting, Forest Minister Kashyap told the officials that the life of our forest dwellers is based on forests. Forest produce obtained from forests is the basis of their economic condition. Forest dwellers should get the right price for forest produce. By eliminating middlemen, forest dwellers should get the benefits of the schemes by directly connecting with the government administration.

Kedar Kashyap said that under Modi’s guarantee, we have promised to give support price of tendu patta of Rs 5500 per standard bag on priority, which is being implemented. This is not just a matter of speaking, it is the basis of life of our forest dwellers. Work should start on the action plan to fulfill Modi’s guarantee in 100 days.
The Forest Minister has instructed to prepare an action plan on other subjects including Lemru project and work keeping in mind the interests of the public. The problems of the people living in tribal areas should also be properly resolved. Kashyap said that our forest dweller brothers remain trapped in the system. The responsible officials have to take care that the forest dwellers get justice and that injustice is not done to them.

The trust of the forest dwellers should be maintained, there should be transparency in the functioning of the government.
Kedar Kashyap told the officials to maintain the confidence of the forest dwellers. The plan made by the department should be implemented properly. There should not be any kind of compromise with quality. In strong words, Kedar said that work should not be done only by whitewashing it on paper. Government schemes should be implemented on actual ground. Besides, we have come to work in the interest of people for every kind of photography, videography and other work.
Kedar Kashyap said that officers should not work only to increase the numbers. Work in the public interest keeping in mind the benefit and safety of the people. Along with planting trees, they also have to be protected. After planting lakhs of trees, monitoring of trees also has to be done. We have to work on the vision of Prime Minister Modi ji. You all know Modi ji’s dedication towards work and transparency of his work. Therefore, any kind of corruption will not be tolerated in the department.