Bars and clubs will be closed at 12 o’clock tonight in Raipur: Police and administration keep an eye on New Year celebrations, police officers deployed in civil dress.

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Programs have been organized at different places in Raipur on Sunday night to celebrate the New Year. According to the rules, DJs will close at 10 pm and bar-clubs will close at 12 midnight. If found open, action will be taken. Tight security arrangements have been made at the intersections including Ram Mandir Road, Telibandha Pond, outer areas of Naya Raipur in the city.

In fact, to maintain law and order in the city and to crack down on the party going on till late night, Municipal Corporation Commissioner Mayank Chaturvedi and SP in-charge G. R Thakur took a meeting of the officers. In this meeting, the Commissioner has asked police officers to be deployed in civil dress to take action against parties that continue till night. Clubs and bars will be closed at the scheduled time.

Corporation Commissioner Mayank Chaturvedi has said that all the bars and clubs of the city will close at the scheduled time. If any bar is open even after the stipulated time, action will be taken against them and their license will be suspended. There will also be a ban on obtaining licenses in future. All CCTVs will be monitored. If anyone is seen creating a ruckus or breaking the peace, strict action will be taken against them.

Vehicles of those driving under the influence of alcohol will be confiscated.

Immediate action will be taken against those caught driving under the influence of alcohol and their vehicle will also be confiscated. Checking is being done with breath analyzer at the intersections. Legal action will be taken against those driving at high speed on the road and blowing loud horns. If three passengers are caught in a two-wheeler, the vehicle will be confiscated.

Doctor’s team will also be deployed

Doctors have also been deployed for emergency services on Sunday night, the night of New Year celebrations. The commissioner said that an ambulance and a team of doctors will be deployed for medical assistance. Their help can be taken if needed.

officers will patrol

Teams of police and officers will patrol different areas of the city from this evening itself to take action against anti-social elements. Municipal Corporation Commissioner, SP, SDM, Tehsildar and police station in-charge will be present in these.

Commissioner Chaturvedi gave instructions to organize security and traffic at major temples and tourist places including Naya Raipur on the morning of January 1, 2024. S.P.G.R. Thakur said that all police officers should patrol continuously with patrolling teams and take immediate action against elements disturbing law and order.

These guidelines will have to be followed

Hotels, restaurants, cafes, dhabas and bars will have to be compulsorily closed within the stipulated time.
In these places, proper arrangements will have to be made for parking of four-wheelers and two-wheelers outside. Vehicles should not be parked on the main road or service road. Due to which the traffic system will be affected.
People should not be made to consume liquor while sitting inside four-wheelers in public places outside such institutions.
Permission should be taken compulsorily for all the programs organized by the operators during Christmas and New Year. Also, how many people are attending the program? Who is the celebrity? And information about the type of program should also be made available compulsorily.
D.J. in the entire program. Will be completely banned. Also, the sound system should not be played in any way after 10 pm, which should be strictly followed.
There should be no chaos during the program. If any kind of intoxicant like hookah, ganja or other intoxicants is found, action will be taken against such operators and their license will also be cancelled.
During the program, the operators themselves should make adequate security arrangements and also appoint security guards.
During the program, the operators should not issue more passes for any program than the capacity so that a situation of hooliganism and chaos is not created.