Raipur: Plantation complete till 31 July – Forest Minister Mr. Akbar

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Instructions to pay special attention to proper care and protection of planted plants

More than 2 crore plants will be planted by all forest divisions

Raipur, 08 July 2020. Forest Minister Shri Mohammad Akbar today reviewed the progress of forest plantation-wise tree plantation program through video conferencing at Aranya Bhawan in Nava Raipur. He gave strict instructions to the Forest Department to complete the plantation work by the end of the current month i.e. by 31 July, in order to complete it. Besides, he gave necessary guidelines to the departmental officers for effective care of proper care and protection of planted plants.

It was informed at the meeting that a target of planting 2 crore 13 lakh 26 thousand 670 plants in 22 thousand 960 hectare area under various items in all the forest divisions of the state this year. Along with this, on the next 11 July, the seeds of 50 thousand kg fruitful plants, six thousand 500 kg vegetable seeds and 25 lakh seed balls will be sown in the forest and post-forest areas of the state. Apart from this, about 3.5 lakh plants of different species based on minor forest produce will be planted in all the Gothans of the state.

While reviewing the Forest Minister Mr. Akbar expressed dissatisfaction over the slow progress in plantation work in Bilaspur, Mungeli and Katghora forest divisions under forest cover Bilaspur and gave strict instructions to all the forested districts for slow progress in plantation. He gave strict instructions to ensure that all the staff from the forest department to the officer stay in their designated headquarters to speed up the departmental work. In forest boards, departmental staff were instructed to inform the concerned forest officer in advance about staying out of the headquarters.

Forest Minister Shri Akbar said that the possibility of encroachment in the forest areas increases with the onset of rainy season. In view of this, from the beat guards of the forest department to the forest divisional officers, they were alert in their respective areas and kept a strict vigil to prevent encroachment and illegal harvesting. All forest officers have been given necessary instructions for setting up teams in their area to increase patrolling for monitoring. He also directed the concerned departmental officers to make the encroachment-free certificate of forest areas within their respective areas compulsorily available by July 25 at the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. On this occasion, Principal Secretary of Forest Department, Mr. Manoj Pingua, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Mr. Rakesh Chaturvedi, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Shri Tapesh Jha and other departmental officers were present.