Chief Minister TS Singhdev has said that he will not contest the next elections and said that he will remain with the party while giving a chance to new people.

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Deputy Chief Minister TS Singhdev has said that he will not contest the next elections. Talking about giving opportunity to new people, he said that he will remain with the party and whenever he votes, he will vote for Congress only. His lifelong vote will be for Congress. TS Singhdev said in a discussion with that I have turned 71 years old, but I do not feel physically weak. I can do a lot of work. Even after crossing 75 years, people are seen active. But it is a matter of one’s own decision whether it should be combined with other responsibilities.

Denying that he was the frontrunner in the race for Chief Minister, he said that if Congress gets the majority, the name of the current captain will come first for the next series. If for some reason other names are considered, and my name also comes under consideration, I will be happy. But whoever will be made the Chief Minister, we all have to work as a team with him.