Chhattisgarh: 110 feet effigy of Ravana, the biggest one, will be burnt in WRS Colony grounds of Raipur.

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Chhattisgarh’s biggest Ravana is being prepared in Raipur. The 110 feet tall Ravana will be burnt in the WRS Colony grounds. This is the only Ravana effigy of such height in the state. Every year a big event is organized on Dussehra. 20 to 25 thousand people gather here. Preparations for the event are in the final stages.

It is organized by the joint team of Public Dussehra Utsav Samiti and National Club. Chairman of the committee, Raipur Mayor Ejaz Dhebar said that the Chief Minister will be the chief guest in this program. Other Congress leaders will also participate in this program, administration will keep an eye

Due to the code of conduct, the district administration will also keep an eye on such programs. Raipur Collector Dr. Sarveshwar Bhure has clearly said that Dussehra events in Raipur will not be held at government expense. If a candidate goes to such programs and campaigns for the elections, then the expenses of the event will be added to that candidate’s share.

If sources are to be believed, Rs 30 to 35 lakh is spent on the Dussehra festival celebrated at WRS ground in Raipur. The expenditure limit of candidates in this assembly election is Rs 40 lakh. Fireworks will come from Bengal.
Effigies of Meghnath, Kumbhakarna along with Ravana are made in the grounds of WRS. Before Ravana Dahan, fireworks are done for about 45 minutes. The whole sky gets decorated with the colors of firecrackers. Firecrackers decorated in different shapes are also burnt in the grounds.

As such a string of pomegranate seeds is decorated, it seems as if waterfalls of flowers are raining. This time a team of pyrotechnicians has been called from Bengal. This team will burn the firecrackers in the field with electronic trigger. Like a show, people will get to see fireworks here. The event has been happening for 53 years.

Giving information about the program at WRS ground, Dussehra Utsav Committee Secretary Radheshyam Vibhar said that a grand Dussehra program has been taking place here for 53 years. This time 110 feet Ravana will be burnt. All these arrangements have been made for security in the program. Since it is close to the railway track, it should be barricaded. The effigy is ready in a month.

It takes about a month to make the effigy of Ravana in this Dussehra event of Raipur. A team of youth living around the colony prepares it. All the local people together prepare this huge effigy of Ravana. The price of Ravana increased.

Vijayadashami is on 24th October. Apart from the major grounds like WRS Maidan, Ravanabhatha Maidan, BTI Ground, Sarjubandha Pond, Bhanpuri Kala Maidan, Chhattisgarh Nagar and Boriyakhurd, Ravana Dahan will also be performed in homes and colonies. For this, effigies of Ravana of all types and sizes ranging from 3 feet to 45 feet high are being sold in the markets. Compared to last year, this time shopkeepers in Rathore Chowk, Amapara, Banstal and Bajrang Nagar are receiving more demand for Ravana’s effigy. As a result, this time the price of Ravana is higher than last year. In the year 2022, the price of 3 feet Ravana was Rs 500-600, which has become Rs 800-1000 this time. At the same time, the price of 40 feet Ravana has increased from Rs 30 thousand to Rs 35 thousand.