Raipur: Urban Bodies and Panchayati Raj Mahasammelan, Kanker: Address of Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi

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Raipur, October 6, 2023

Urban Bodies and Panchayati Raj Mahasammelan, Kanker

Urban Bodies and Panchayati Raj Mahasammelan, Kanker

Urban Bodies and Panchayati Raj Mahasammelan, Kanker

Address of Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi

There was a time when the number of public representatives was very less, which meant that all the decisions that had to be taken were concentrated in one place.

There were many such tasks which took a lot of time to be done or there were many such tasks which were not needed but all these took a lot of time.

Had to go to Delhi, had to come to Raipur, so when there was talk of Panchayati Raj, the intention was to take democracy to the villages. This means that the development of the village should be decided by the village and by the representatives of the village.

You all are sitting here, you know what kind of work has to be done in Gram Panchayat and what kind of work should be done.

You can take decisions in the interest of your people, this is the basic thing.

The foundation of democracy lies in Panchayats, villages and municipalities. The responsibilities of all of you are very big. I know that you fulfill your responsibilities with great diligence.

Indira ji came to Bastar in 1972, perhaps you must have seen the photo in which she was dancing with the women of Bastar. I have a very old connection with Bastar. Whatever Indira ji had said at that time, Bhupesh Baghel is fulfilling it today. Today schools and colleges have been opened across the state in the name of Swami Atmanand ji.

Today Bastar has become an international name. The model has been made. Today, Chhattisgarh has the country’s largest millet processing plant.

Mrs. Gandhi said that your trust is with us. When Indira ji came to Chhattisgarh, she told Swami Atmanand that education has to be developed, today Bhupesh Baghel’s government is doing this work.

Today your government is working to take you forward, the millets processing plant here is the largest plant in Asia.

Today Bastar has become a major tourist destination, many people are getting employment. More than 60 forest produce are being purchased at support price.

So much work is being done in your area, earlier people were afraid to come here, there was violence, fear and harassment everywhere, today the government has taken you out of this path.

There is a need for determination for the public good. Indira ji’s intentions were right, that is why there is trust in her even today.

There is also trust in Baghel ji because he has worked for all sections. Our government has also brought MNREGA scheme.

Mrs. Gandhi said that today your state is being talked about in the entire country, how much work is being done and how fast development is taking place.

Development is taking place here in the village, the farmers here are happy and whatever work is being done is being done by the local bodies.

The present Chhattisgarh government further strengthened it by implementing the PESA law. Even today, Bhoomi Pujan and inauguration of development works worth billions of rupees has taken place.

Here the government of Chhattisgarh had done the work of loan waiver within 24 hours. Today the government of Chhattisgarh is giving the old pension.

Here, in the last 5 years, crores of rupees have been put into the public’s pockets, 40 lakh people have come out of the poverty line.

The problem of stray animals persists in North India, here in Chhattisgarh I want to say with pride, the problem of stray animals has been solved by the formation of Gauthan and you have also benefited.

Farmers across the country are facing problems in farming, the farmer here is happy, the loan has been waived off, paddy has been purchased at the support price.

You are getting additional benefits for your produce, whatever resources are available in the state are being given back into your hands.

Landless laborers are being given financial assistance of Rs 7,000, cattle herders are also getting a lot of benefit from cow dung.

Our government increased the price of tendu leaves to Rs 4 thousand. Arrangements have been made for free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh and free education for girl students in government colleges.

Loans worth crores of rupees of women of self-help groups were waived off. Such schemes are made for you so that you get direct benefits.

Today Chhattisgarh is recognized and respected in the entire country. Chhattisgarh is developing socially and culturally today, the place where Lord Ram Ji spent 14 years is developing it as a path of Ramvangamana.