Raipur: Special article – 1 October International Day for the Elderly: ‘The present generation should .respect the elders, take care of their needs. with affection’

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Take a pledge for health, safety and cooperation on Elderly Day

  •  L.D. Manikpuri, Assistant Public Relations Officer

Raipur, 30 September 2023

‘Son, whenever you go for work, just say that I am going for work and after returning from work, ask at meal time whether you have had food? I don’t want anything more than this, son. I will not make any demands for money or other items. Now your mother is not there in this world, you know your daughter has gone to her in-laws house, whatever happens, now you are the only people. This is not a part of a story but this is what an old father expects from his children. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that ‘Older people are invaluable sources of knowledge and experience and have much to contribute to peace, sustainable development and the security of our planet.’

It is a significant coincidence that according to the Hindu calendar, Pitru Paksha has started. And today is International Day of Older Persons. Respect, love, cooperation and intimacy with elders and understanding their needs is very important for today’s generation. Every day one gets to read and hear news that elders are insulted in the family and society and their health and needs are ignored. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of all of us to leave no stone unturned in respecting our elders under any circumstances. . On one hand, Pitru Paksha is going on, in which water is being offered to dead and liberated relatives, in such a situation, we need to take care of the living grandparents, parents and elders living in the family. . They spend their days wondering with whom to share their sorrows and pains. Let it be known that on 14 December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly had designated 1 October as the International Day of Older Persons.

Like every living being, after being born, goes through childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age and old age respectively. Old age is also called the evening of life, because it is the last stage of life. By this stage, the human body starts getting tired; physical activities start weakening the body with age. Although there has been amazing progress in the medical world, but if an elderly person is financially dependent or is a consumer of inferior resources, then it definitely becomes difficult for him to diagnose the disease. Insensitive, unable to provide shelter and comfort to a sick person. It is true that every human being has to die, but it is also true that it is not certain that husband and wife will depart from this world together. That means if both die at the same time, one has to go first. A person living alone in married life becomes a victim of loneliness. Any person needs his life partner the most in his mature age. In adulthood, life partner becomes the only medium for sharing one’s thoughts. In old age, in case of illness and pain, service, sympathy and support are mainly received from the life partner. Therefore, an elderly person also needs like-minded people to express his feelings. Support is mainly received from the life partner. Therefore, an elderly person also needs like-minded people to express his feelings. Support is mainly received from the life partner. Therefore, an elderly person also needs like-minded people to express his feelings.

Not every elderly person is so fortunate that he remains self-reliant till the last stage of his life, that is, his income should remain sufficient for his maintenance throughout his life. Many elderly people have to depend financially on their relatives like son, daughter, brother etc. His personal expenses are met by the income of his family members, due to which these elderly people often have to face uncomfortable situations. A person’s self-esteem also becomes at stake. Sometimes the needs are not even fulfilled. Lack of resources is a problem in case of illness, etc. He has to suffer mental agony. Sometimes he feels self-conscious, He starts feeling his life meaningless. For elderly women who have previously been housewives, financial dependence does not cause any distress because earlier too they were dependent on their husbands and after that they become dependent on other relatives. But the man who was earlier the breadwinner of the family now has to depend on the income of another family member.

The social system has increased the concern for the elderly about their safety. Joint families have disintegrated and become nuclear families. Due to the problem of increasing population, increasing standard of living and increasing competition, it has become necessary for every couple to accept the concept of limited family. The daughter has to get married and leave her in-laws’ house and the son has to go away from his family and his city in search of a better future. In the end, only the elderly husband and wife remain in the family. Such an elderly couple has to take care of their health themselves and start worrying about their safety. Disability and that too in old age only causes disappointment, frustration, neglect and makes life burdensome.

Therefore, it is important for the present and new generation to be trained to take special care of the care, affection and essential needs of all the elderly people living in the house, family and society. Although the government runs many schemes for the elderly, if they get love and respect from their home and family, then their old age will definitely pass by overcoming many obstacles. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all of us to respect the elders, give them lots of love and take care.