Raipur: Bastar Art’s Chinhari will be gifted to G-20 delegates, products like forest honey and millet cookies will be included in the gift pack.

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Meeting of the Working Group of the Fourth Framework of G20 to be held on 18th and 19th September,
Raipur, September 15, 2023

The delegates from all over the world who came to participate in the fourth Framework Working Group meeting of G20 on 18th and 19th September will take with them the beautiful memories of Chhattisgarh along with the symbols of Chhattisgarhi culture. This gift pack, a symbol of Chhattisgarh, will contain special products made from forest produce. This year has been declared Millet Year by the United Nations. On the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel, work has been done on mission mode to promote millet in Chhattisgarh. Not only are the millets producers here getting their produce at the support price, but due to the government encouraging their processing and setting up millets cafes, the awareness about millets has increased rapidly in Chhattisgarh. The delegates coming from abroad will be given cookies made from millets grown in the state in a gift pack.
The honey found in the forests of Chhattisgarh is considered to be one of the purest and tastiest honey in the country. It is not only pure but is also collected by bees in the special natural environment of forest areas like Bastar and Surguja, due to which it also has medicinal properties. Aloe vera gel and Ashwagandha powder produced in Chhattisgarh are also popular across the country. These will also be provided as gifts to the delegates.
 Along with this, he will also be given a gift of Bastar art as a token. Here a statue made of Dhokra art will be placed in a frame and given to them. The theme of this art is about four tribal girls. They are dancing and holding each other’s hands. Through this statue, the delegates will be able to get a glimpse of the beauty of Bastar and the richness of folk life. Besides, they will also be able to become aware of the thousands of years old talent of folk artists of Chhattisgarh.
It is noteworthy that under the leadership of Chief Minister Mr. Baghel, the work of saving the rich cultural traditions of Chhattisgarh is being done by the Chhattisgarh government in the last five years. In this, along with encouraging folk artists, local food traditions are also being encouraged. Kodo-Kutki has always been included in the plates of the people of Chhattisgarh. It has been branded in a modern way. In new colours, after modern processing, these products have been launched in the market and are being appreciated everywhere. Through G20, this unique Chhattisgarhi culture can be propagated even more widely.