Raipur: Chief Minister congratulated the people of the state on International Literacy Day.

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Raipur, 07 September 2023

Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel has congratulated and congratulated the people of the state on the occasion of International Literacy Day on 8th September. Shri Baghel has said in his congratulatory message that alphabetic knowledge is the first door from where infinite paths of knowledge open. There is a direct relation between literacy and development and education and development. International Literacy Day is a day to awaken the light of letters, a day to show the importance of alphabetic knowledge. This is a day to take a pledge to spread happiness and prosperity in the society with the light of knowledge. The Chief Minister has said that there is a great need for individual interest and collective efforts for literacy. This goal can be achieved with widespread public participation.

The Chief Minister has said that literate society is the basic foundation of equality, peace and development. In 1966, UNESCO had decided to celebrate 8 September as International Literacy Day. This year’s International Literacy Day will be celebrated across the world under the theme ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition, building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies’. A new scheme called New India Literacy Program has been approved for the year 2022-27. Now in the country the term “adult education” has been changed to “education for all”.

Navbharat Literacy Program has been started under the National Education Policy, which will be operated for five years. It focuses on areas such as basic literacy and numeracy, important life skills such as digital literacy, financial literacy, legal literacy, electoral literacy, vocational skill development, basic education, lifelong education, health and hygiene, etc.

Shri Baghel has said that Literacy Day is a day to be proud of the current level of literacy in the country. It is a day of reflection and pledge to make almost one-fourth of the population literate. On the occasion of International Literacy Day, the Chief Minister has called upon the people of the state to take active participation in the program and move towards lifelong education including digital literacy and awareness, making Chhattisgarh 100 percent literate. He has said that we have to touch new dimensions of literacy.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel has appealed to all the students studying in schools and colleges to participate in the pious work of literacy. The new achievements of literacy will ensure the golden future of the state and we will fulfill the goal of Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh.