General medicines taken for cough and cold also become a cause of doping for the players.

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Many times general medicines taken for cold, cough and cold also become the cause of doping for the players. In such a situation, the officials of NADA i.e. National Anti-Doping Agency advised to be careful about the medicines taken when sick. He told that there are about 400 such medicines which come under doping and ‘Know Your Medicine App’ has been prepared to make the players aware.

More than 300 players from Raipur participated in the awareness seminar held at Kota Stadium in the capital. This seminar was organized by the National Anti Doping Agency. In which NADA’s Dope Control Officer Manoj Kumar and Vikas Tyagi gave information related to doping to the players. Along with this, it was told about the correct use of medicines taken in case of injury and sickness during sports. Dope control officer Manoj Kumar told Dainik Bhaskar that usually we take any cough syrup when we have cough, but many such There are also syrups that contain performance-enhancing substances, which fall under the category of doping. In such a situation, if the doctor is not aware of your being a player or the player himself is not aware of it, then he can be found positive in doping. Which can have a direct impact on his career.

Special app designed to give information to players
To know about the right medicines, NADA has launched ‘Know Your Medicine App’ and players are being asked to install this app. According to Dope Control Officer Manoj Kumar, 400 medicines have been banned by the World Doping Agency for the players.

For this, NADA’s app KYM has a list of all these medicines. Because players living in villages and small towns do not know which drug comes under doping and due to lack of knowledge many times their years of hard work gets spoiled by consuming such drug. Therefore, through this app, those medicines can be known and medicines with other components can be taken by showing that list to the doctors. TU i.e. Therapy Use Exemption form comes for this. After which the prescription is sent to the doctors directly to NADA through the app and then from there the team of doctors decides the medicine for the players so that the player does not face any problem in future. Experts said that there is only one doping test center in the country. But about 150 experts of NADA are making the players aware by running anti-doping program through Sports Authority of India in different states of the country.

This is how doping test is done
Dope tests are done to detect the use of stamina-enhancing drugs. According to the rules, dope test can be taken for any player. These tests are conducted by NADA i.e. National Anti Doping Agency or WADA i.e. World Anti Doping Agency. In this, the urine of the players is tested in a special lab of WADA or NADA, the first phase is called A and the second phase is called B. If found A positive, the player is banned. If the player wishes, he can appeal for the B-test sample to the Anti-Doping Panel. If the player also comes positive in the B-test sample, then that concerned player is banned.