Raipur: Educationists and writers can bring revolution in the society: Governor Mr. Vishwabhushan Harichandan

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Raipur, 21 August 2023

Governor Mr. Vishwabhushan Harichandan

The Governor of Chhattisgarh, Mr. Vishwabhushan Harichandan, attending the education conference organized by MBC TV in Bhubaneswar as the chief guest, said that education makes the society and the country prosperous and progressive. When education is strong then the society moves forward in the direction of development and becomes strong. Every person should fight for his education, for his society, for his rights. This lesson inspires us to fight for our soil and mother. Educationists and writers have an important role in this field. When he saw degradation in society or violation of human rights, he could create revolution through his writings.
Education is not only what we get from textbooks but we learn from our experiences, from life, from society, from ourselves, from others etc. Mahatma Gandhi compared education to life and said, ‘There is nothing in life, however small, that cannot express the concern of education’.
Education begins at birth and continues throughout life. Man depends on others to get education. It can be nature, history, sages, sages, environmental conditions. The stronger the education system of a country, the stronger and more developed that country is.
In 2020, the popular Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi introduced the New Education Policy 2020, which is a revolutionary step. This education policy will help in making the country prosperous and strong. The new curriculum emphasizes language, culture, patriotism, knowledge development, inquiry and values. The Governor said that this education policy will improve the social, economic, moral, religious, multilingual, mental, character etc. qualities of a human being.
During Corona, India played a leading role in fighting the Corona epidemic across the world. On the call of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Kovid vaccine made from the research of Indian scientists was successful in protecting the lives of 140 crore people of the country. Not only this, people can be saved from this epidemic by sending this vaccine free of cost to many countries of the world. Governor Mr. Harichandan said in his speech that this census has saved billions of common people of India from the terror of Corona and increased the respect of the country in the world.
Education changes human behavior. The said work is usually done by litterateurs and educationists. Writers and educationists create awareness through their studies and can bring a revolution in the society. Our education upholds equality in the values ​​of truth, peace, non-violence, charity, patriotism, family code. It inspires the environment and people to adopt better ways. The governor made the above remarks at an educational meeting organized by a local TV channel in Bhubaneswar.
Governor Mr. Vishwabhushan Harichandan, President of News Group and MLA Soumyaranjan Patnaik, Chancellor of Utkal University Savita Acharya attended the program as guests of honor. Mr. Badrinath Patnaik presided over the meeting and Dr. Ashok Panda did the vote of thanks.