Raipur: Purchase of cow urine worth Rs 9.02 lakh in Gauthans

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Income of 59.04 lakhs from the sale of cow urine insecticide and Jeevamrit 

Raipur, 04 August 2023

Under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, 2 lakh 25 thousand 507 liters of Cow Mool has been purchased so far at the rate of Rs 4 per liter in Gauthans, whose value is Rs 9 lakh 2 thousand 28. So far, 96,968 liters of pest controller Brahmastra and 35,290 liters of growth enhancer Jeevamrit have been produced from cow urine by women self-help groups in Gauthans, which are being sold. This is promoting organic farming in the state. So far 93,777 liters of organic insecticide Brahmastra and 33,193 liters of growth enhancer Jeevamrut have been purchased and used by the farmers of the state. Due to which the groups have earned a total income of Rs 59 lakh 4 thousand 475.