gInformation about becoming the National Vice President of Bharatiya Janata Party: Preparation to go to Lok Sabha

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Lata Usendi, a farmer woman (as she has written in the affidavit – agriculture and dairy business) is now the National Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Tribal face and women both in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar… There is also a chance to show the impact of leadership on 12 seats of Bastar. Its effect will take him forward till the Lok Sabha.

When Lata Usendi was asked a direct question – do you think that your name coming from Chhattisgarh means that you are ready to be taken to the Lok Sabha? Like people are saying?

Lata Usendi gave a straight answer – Let the time come, you will know. Anyway, in the Bharatiya Janata Party, the decision is taken by the party, not the individual.
It was a very restrained answer, but not a denial. There are only two things in politics, either denial or silence. She remained silent.

However, he definitely said that getting the post of National Vice President is a matter of pride, equally a big responsibility. Lata says- “I consider myself fortunate that my name has come along with former Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh ji and Saroj Pandey ji. This trust of the party in me is my big responsibility.

This line has its own meaning. His name in the queue of the most prominent and famous faces of Chhattisgarh is a sign of politics to come. He has got a chance to carry forward his father’s political legacy. His father Mangalaram Usendi has been an MLA. After that she became an MLA, became a Minister and National Vice President of BJP.

Information received from social media, when congratulations started pouring in
Lata Usendi says that I had no idea that I had been made the National Vice President. Neither had anyone spoken to me before nor was there any such indication. I was checking social media when suddenly a congratulatory message came. Soon after, a worker called and I came to know that I have been made the national vice-president.

want to work in bastar
He further said that I have definitely been made the national vice president. I will fulfill the responsibility, but taking Bastar forward is my priority. Bastar’s education, tribal and development, these are the three dimensions on which I would like to work. But Lata Usendi kept silence about the coming assembly and then gave a simple answer – I will do whatever the party says.

Now Lata also faces Kedar in Bastar
Till now Kedar Kashyap was the prominent name in the face representing Bastar, but now Lata Usendi has also joined them. This name has come at a time when state in-charge Om Mathur has churned the entire Bastar for a month. After this churning, Lata Usendi getting a place in the National Executive shows that the coming time is good for her.

Right now there is not a single BJP MLA in Bastar
There was a time when there were MLAs of Bharatiya Janata Party in entire Bastar, but today there is not a single MLA of BJP. Fresh faces are being installed after the poor performance of the last elections. One such step is being told in Bastar.