Raipur: The state government will request the Center to provide housing to the new beneficiaries of the housing scheme: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

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If the approval is not received from the center, the state government will make a plan on its own to provide housing to the new beneficiaries.

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth

Unemployment Allowance Scheme: The Chief Minister transferred more than Rs 31.69 crore as the third installment to the accounts of 1.16 lakh beneficiaries

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin: Online transfer of Rs 151 crore to the accounts of 49,157 beneficiaries

More than Rs 80.64 crore has been paid to the unemployed youth so far

Raipur, 30 June 2023

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has said that the State Government will request the Center to provide houses to the new beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Rural in the last ten years. Will plan to provide housing. The Chief Minister was addressing the third installment of unemployment allowance and online transfer of funds to the accounts of the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Rural at his residence office here today.

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth
The Chief Minister said that the state government wants to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth of the state. For this purpose, where a large number of recruitments are being done in government jobs, unemployment allowance is being provided to provide economic support to the youth. Along with this, skill development training is being imparted to the youth to prepare them for employment and self-employment. The work of connecting the trained youth with employment is also going on simultaneously.

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth
In the program, under the unemployment allowance scheme, an amount of Rs 31 crore 69 lakh 60 thousand was deposited in the accounts of 1 lakh 16 thousand 737 beneficiaries and Rs 151 crore in the accounts of 49 thousand 157 beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Rural as the third installment. Online transfer of amount. An amount of Rs 80 crore 64 lakh 25 thousand has been paid so far in the accounts of the beneficiaries including three installments of unemployment allowance for the month of April and June. In the amount transferred today, unemployment allowance for three months was issued to the remaining 1600 beneficiaries of the month of April and unemployment allowance of two months to the remaining 6847 beneficiaries of the month of May.

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth
Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Mr. Umesh Patel, Former Minister and Senior MLA Mr. Rampukar Singh, Additional Chief Secretary Mr. Subrat Sahu, Principal Secretary of Skill Development and Technical Education Department Dr. Alok Shukla, Secretary Panchayat and Rural Development Mr. Prasanna R., Secretary Skill Development Mrs. Shammi Abidi, Director Employment and Training Mr. Avnish Sharan, Director of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Rural Mr. Rajat Bansal were also present in the program.
During the programme, the Chief Minister gave offer letters to 25 trained beneficiaries of unemployment allowance as a symbol. Similarly, 738 youths who are getting unemployment allowance and 810 youths who are not getting unemployment allowance, but have received skill development training, were also given offer letters at the district level.

Efforts of the state government to provide maximum employment and self-employment opportunities to the youth
The Chief Minister said that the work of connecting trained youth with employment is also going on simultaneously. In the state, more than 4 thousand youths who have received skill development training have been linked with self-employment and employment in three months. Addressing the youth receiving unemployment allowance, he said that I will be happy when the youth receiving unemployment allowance will join employment. He said that the objective of this scheme is to provide economic strength to the youth. Encouraging the youth, the Chief Minister said that if you are determined, you can achieve any goal. He said that the previous government had distributed Rs 98 crore as unemployment allowance in 13-14 years. We have distributed an amount of Rs 80 crore 64 lakh as unemployment allowance within three months.
The Chief Minister said that houses have been sanctioned to 11 lakh 76 thousand 147 beneficiaries in the state under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin. To fulfill these, Rs 5,117 crore has been released as state share. It is the endeavor of the State Government that pucca houses are available to all the homeless. He informed that under this scheme, 22 thousand 126 beneficiaries were given Rs 55 crore as first installment, 12 thousand 455 beneficiaries got Rs 55 crore as second installment, 7477 beneficiaries got Rs 31 crore as third installment and 7099 beneficiaries got fourth installment. An amount of Rs 10 crore has been released as Based on the progress of the houses, a total amount of Rs 151 crore was transferred to the accounts of 49 thousand 157 beneficiaries today. He said that in the last four and a half years, 3 lakh 87 thousand 915 houses have been sanctioned under this scheme.
The Chief Minister said that so far houses have been sanctioned to the beneficiaries on the basis of the 2011 census, but now the year 2023 is going on. Many new beneficiaries have been added to this scheme in a period of 10 years. Many beneficiaries demand accommodation while visiting the state. In order to benefit new beneficiaries from this scheme, we have conducted an economic survey from April 01, whose data analysis work is going on. On the basis of this survey, the state government will request the Center to provide houses to these new beneficiaries. If this does not happen, the Chhattisgarh government will make a plan on its own to provide housing to these beneficiaries. The Chief Minister said that we are moving forward with the resolve of Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh. They have been benefited by planning for all sections.
Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Mr. Umesh Patel said that the unemployment allowance scheme launched on the initiative of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel aims to provide financial help to the youth and to connect them with employment. So that with the help of this amount the youth can stand on their feet. Additional Chief Secretary Shri Subrata Sahu gave information about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin. The amount of the scheme is directly transferred to the beneficiaries in their account. Principal Secretary, Skill Development and Technical Education Department, Dr. Alok Shukla gave detailed information about the progress of unemployment allowance scheme.