Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel is addressing the National Ramayana Festival…

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Raipur, 01 June 2023
National Ramayana Festival

National Ramayana Festival

National Ramayana Festival

National Ramayana Festival

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel is addressing the National Ramayana Festival.

Participants and listeners and guests, officials and employees associated with the event are welcome to participate in this festival organized at Raigarh, the eastern gateway of Chhattisgarh.

Sabbo jhan la ram ram au jai siyaram

The Chief Minister said that even though we have named the festival as National Ramayana Festival, there are teams from foreign countries as well.

Raigarh is the culture land. Rock paintings have also been found here. It holds the history of human culture within itself.

Our Chhattisgarh is the state of Mata Kaushalya and Shabri Mata. It is the land of tribals and forest dwellers who have been living here for centuries.

This is the state of Kaushalya Mata. Where Lord Ram was supposed to be crowned but he went to exile.
Met Nishadraj, met Shabri. The sages met the sages.

Faced so much difficulty but did not lose his dignity. He spent 10 years of exile here.

He spent so many years in Chhattisgarh, yet we have a relationship with Vanvasi Ram as well as Kaushalya’s Ram, so he is our nephew, that’s why we touch the feet of nephews.

Some part of Chhattisgarh is seen in the character of Lord Ram.

Our relationship with Ram is not only that of exile Ram. Rather, our relationship is also in the form of Shabri’s Ram, Kaushalya’s Ram.

He said that for three years we have been organizing the National Tribal Festival.

Working to preserve their culture. His Ghotul is preserving Deoguri.

The National Ramayana Festival is being organized officially for the first time. As the National Tribal Festival has been done.

Lord Ram is corporeal as well as formless. Those who believe in Ram are going to believe him in both the forms.

Our effort is to take forward our culture, our food and our festivals.

I saw that the brothers of the Ramnami community did a march past.
Which is the path of Kabir. There is the path of Ramnami. That is the path of the incorporeal. Everyone has their own Ram.

We are doing the work of preserving our culture.

Teams of Ramkatha have also been formed in our villages.

Ram belongs to everyone. Belongs to Nishadraj, belongs to Shabri. Everyone feels affinity with them.

By writing letters to the Chief Ministers of other states, we have asked for 2 acres of land for pilgrimage sites, so that our devotees can get facilities when they go there.

You guys are doing this program in a very dignified manner.

Conservation of bananas is also our priority.

Our morning starts with Ram. The evening ends with Ramayana.

In the end, he ended his address with Siyavar Ramchandra and Hanuman ji ki Jai.