Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel will release Rs 13.57 crore to the beneficiaries of Godhan Nyaya Yojana on May 21.

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So far Rs 445 crore 14 lakh has been paid to the beneficiaries of Godhan Nyaya Yojana

Raipur, 19 May 2023

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel will transfer an amount of Rs 13 crore 57 lakh online to the beneficiaries of the Godhan Nyaya Yojana at the Bharose Sammelan being organized at Sankara Patan in Durg district on May 21. In which, in lieu of 1.98 lakh quintal cow dung purchased in Gauthans from May 01 to May 15, Rs. 3.95 crore was given to rural cattle herders, Rs. 5.66 crore to Gauthan committees and Rs. 3.96 crore to self-help groups.
It is noteworthy that under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, Rs 445 crore 14 lakh has been paid to cow dung vendors, Gauthan committees and women self-help groups as on April 30, 2023. After the payment of Rs 13.57 crore on May 21, this figure will increase to Rs 458 crore 71 lakh. Godhan Nyaya Yojana, one of the most popular schemes of the Chhattisgarh government, was started on 20 July 2020 from the Hareli festival. Under this scheme, cow dung is being purchased from rural cattle herders in Gauthans at Rs. 2 per kg and cow urine is being purchased at Rs. 4 per litre. Under the Garuva component of Suraji Gaon Yojana in the state, 10,426 Gothans have been sanctioned in the villages, out of which 10,206 Gothans are built and operated. As on 30 April 2023, 114.28 lakh quintals of cow dung have been purchased in the operated Gothans. In which Rs 228 crore 42 lakh has been paid to cow dung vendors. 3 lakh 41 thousand 713 livestock rearers are being benefited from the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, in which 46.51 percent are women. The landless villagers have also got a big support from this scheme. About 2 lakh landless families have also been able to earn their livelihood by selling cow dung and getting employment in Gothans.
Vermi compost, super compost manure is being prepared from cow dung being procured under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, along with other materials are being prepared. So far, 32.72 lakh quintal compost manure has been prepared from cow dung, out of which 24.54 lakh quintal compost manure has been procured by the farmers and used in their fields. This has given a boost to organic farming in the state.
With the co-ordination of Gauthan and Godhan Nyaya Yojana, employment opportunities have increased in the villages. In today’s situation, Gauthan has emerged as a strong center of livelihood in rural areas. Various livelihood-oriented activities are being conducted in Gauthans, by joining which the women of women self-help groups are becoming financially empowered. Community farming, vegetable production, poultry, goat rearing, animal husbandry, fisheries, natural paint from cow dung, diyas, incense sticks, pots, cow-wood are also being manufactured in Gauthans. There are 14,504 women self-help groups associated with Gothans, whose membership is 1 lakh 71 thousand 585. So far, an income of Rs 131 crore 43 lakh has been earned from the income generating activities conducted by the women’s group.
The number of self-supporting Gothans is increasing day by day due to the income-oriented activities conducted in Gothan and the benefits from the Godhan Nyaya Yojana. Self-supporting Gothans have now started completing other arrangements of Gothan along with purchasing cow dung from their own accumulated capital. 5709 Gauthans have become self-supporting in the state. Women self-help groups have started making and selling organic insecticide Brahmastra and crop enhancer Jeevamrit by purchasing cow urine in Gothans. So far an income of Rs 48.50 lakh has been generated from the sale of 74401 liters of Brahmastra and 31478 liters of Jeevamrit.