Gariaband: Police intercepted interstate diamond smugglers with 125 diamonds

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For the third consecutive major action against diamond smugglers in Gariaband district, about 125 lakh diamond precious gold was seized around 20 lakhs.
107 accused arrested with 830 liters of illicit liquor during lock down period
09 accused arrested in 04 cases under Narcotics Act
08 bookies arrested and sent to jail

Gariaband, 20 May 2020.In Gariaband district, the police have come up to take continuous action against illegal traders. Due to which the campaign has been continuously launched in the district to smuggle diamond smugglers, illegal liquor sales, hemp sellers and gambling / bookies. Superintendent of Police Shri Bhojram Patel told in the press conference today that for the first time in Chhattisgarh state, action has been taken by confiscating about 125 lakh diamonds with diamond smugglers worth about 20 lakhs. Earlier, 56 diamonds were seized from 02 diamond smugglers and the accused were sent to jail. In this campaign, 107 accused with 830 liters of illicit liquor were arrested and proceeded to jail under the Excise Act. Under the Narcotics Act, about 14 kg in 04 cases. After seizing the cannabis, 09 accused were arrested and sent behind bars. While betting on gambling / betting in the district, 08 bookies were arrested and sent to jail. Additional Superintendent of Police Shri Sukhanandan Rathore was also present at the press conference.
Superintendent of Police Shri Patel received information from Mukhbir that in front of the mobile tower of village Jadapadar, a red colored super splendor number OD 26-4997, two people were waiting for the customer to turn around to sell the diamond he had kept. On receiving the information from Mukhbir, the in-charge of the police station, Manpur was constituted and directed to take action. The police station in-charge was caught under siege by Mainpur Sub Inspector Bhushan Chandrakar. After searching the accused 125 diamonds were found. On asking the accused, no valid papers were presented. On which the accused were arrested by registering crime number 35/2020 Section 379, 34 Bhadvi, 4 (21) Mining Act against the accused in the police station Mainpur. 125 nos. Diamond, weighing machine, 03 nos. Mobile and used two-wheeler were seized from the accused. In the said proceedings, the work of Police Station in-charge Bhushan Chandrakar, S.N. Nandkumar Netam, Principal Constable Vijay Mishra, Constable Madhav Sahu and Soldier Purshottam Dahte was commendable.
Crime No. 35/2020 Section 379, 34 Bhadvi, 4 (21) Action taken under Mining Act.