In a big demonstration in Raipur, unemployed youth demanded jobs, more than 1 thousand people gathered at the protest site, 10 arrested

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The unemployed held a big demonstration on Sunday demanding jobs at the Budhatalab picket site in Raipur. During this, he also had a scuffle with the police. Then the dispute increased so much that the police lathicharged these youths. They have been beaten after running. At the same time, the clothes of a young man were also removed. It was told that more than the permitted crowd had gathered at the dharna site. The police also tried to convince them about this. But still, when the youth did not agree, then this situation was created.

Police arrested 10 youths who were protesting. In fact, youths preparing for different exams were protesting on Sunday. He also took permission. Only 100 people were allowed to come to the picket site. But a crowd of more than a thousand protesters had gathered here. The police explained but did not agree

When there was a large crowd, the police had already tried to pacify them. requested to return. But the youth did not agree. After this, the youth were adamant on taking out the rally in the evening. He took out a rally. At the same time, when the police stopped them, then the police had a scuffle with them. After this lathis were charged.

After this, there was an atmosphere of chaos on the spot. All the youth started running here and there. The youths were continuously raising slogans. After the incident, the police arrested about 10 youths. Then he was taken to the police station. It is alleged that the police removed the clothes of one of them.

Uproar in the police station as well

On the other hand, when the BJP leaders came to know about this, then the BJP leaders reached the police station. He also had an argument with the police. There was uproar in the police station for a long time. Eventually the BJP leaders went back. Still the police has not spared the youth.

BJP bid – raising voice here is a crime

In this matter, BJP spokesperson Amit Sahu said that raising voice for one’s rights in the state has also become a crime. Today, when the youth comes out on the road demanding for his job, the police lathi-charged him. While the government claims that the unemployment percentage is very low. But seeing this crowd, it can be guessed that the youth is upset.

On the other hand, the state president of BJYM said that the government of Chhattisgarh is giving wounds to the youth with lathis instead of jobs. The police chased and beat the unemployed. The youth of the state were gathering and doing a peaceful movement. Yet at the police station they were made to strip like criminals. A section has been imposed on them. which is wrong.

did not lathi charge

Regarding the matter, Additional SP Abhishek Maheshwari said that only around 100 people are allowed to protest at the picket site of Budha Talab. But even after persuasion by the police, these people did not listen and started heckling with the policemen. In which many policemen got hurt. Some of these youths were also intoxicated. Lathicharge has not been done. Mild force has been used.