Raipur: Appeal to public representatives, voluntary organizations and common people for prevention of child marriage

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Raipur, 10 April 2023

On the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, a large number of marriages take place in the country and the state. Meanwhile, in view of the apprehensions of child marriage, the State Government’s Women and Child Development Department has appealed to voluntary organizations and common people to stop child marriage. In this regard, instructions have also been issued by the Department of Women and Child Development from the ministry to all collectors, superintendents of police, district-district chief executive officers, district program officers and child development project officers to take effective action by preparing an action plan.
    Information has a special role in preventing child marriage. People’s representatives, voluntary organizations, self-help groups and general public can come forward and make the information system effective. Apart from this, cooperation of adolescent girls and adolescent girls groups can also be taken for the prevention of child marriage. On getting information about child marriage, immediately inform the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Police Station, Anganwadi worker, Sarpanch, Panchayat Secretary, Kotwar or Regional Officer of Women and Child Development Department. Apart from this, information can also be given on Child Helpline number 1098 or Child Protection Commission’s toll free number 1800-233-0055.
As soon as information about child marriage is received, immediate action will be taken at the government level. For this, a team to prevent child marriage has been formed in coordination with the Women and Child Development Department and other government departments. Instructions have also been given to maintain the marriage register in the village panchayats for the prevention of child marriage and to enter the date of birth from the statutory birth certificate of the bride and groom in the register.
    Under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006, it is a crime to marry a boy below the age of 21 years or a girl below the age of 18 years. If the bride or groom is below the prescribed age, action can be taken against the parents, relatives, barati even the priest who conducts the marriage. Early marriages deprive children of their basic rights to good health, nutrition and education. Due to this, an increase in domestic violence has also been seen along with malnutrition, infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate. In this regard, the government is constantly trying to create public awareness through discussions, workshops and chaupals.