SUPER MOON : Pink Moon will be seen on April 6

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many major astronomical events like solar eclipse and meteor shower is an astronomical event during which the moon is closest to the earth, due to which the size of the moon appears very large and bright. This is called supermoon.

New Delhi:  April 2023 is going to be very special for the people associated with astronomy.  Because some such things are going to happen this month which are very special and these things are not always seen. April is also known as Astronomy Month due to the astronomical events that take place in April. Many astronomical events are going to happen in April 2023 from 6th to 24th. While Pink Moon will be seen on 6th April, astronomical events like Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse will be seen simultaneously on 20th April. So let us tell you about some important events that will happen in April, Pink Moon (Astronomical Events In April) will be seen on 6th April.
On April 6, according to Indian time, Pink Moon will be seen between 10:00 and 7:00 am. Let us tell you, Pink Moon is mainly called Super Moon. This is an astronomical event during which the moon is closest to the earth, due to which the size of the moon appears very large and bright. This is called supermoon. Generally, the average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 3 lakh 84 thousand kilometers.

But on the day of supermoon this distance becomes very less. In 2020, it was only 3 lakh 56 thousand 907 kilometers. This event was named Pink Moon because on this day a pink rose named Herv Moss blooms in America. Due to which the whole valley appears pink. However, during the time when the super moon will be seen, it will be morning in India, due to which Indians will not be able to see this astronomical event. On April 11, 4 planets will be seen in a row (Astronomical Events In April).
Apart from this, another astronomical event will also be seen on 11th April. In which Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus will be seen in a row. After sunset on April 11, it will appear above the western horizon. Let us inform that earlier on the night of March 28, 5 planets Guru, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus were seen in a row in the sky.. A solar eclipse will take place on April 20.
Apart from this, the first solar eclipse of the year is also going to happen on 20 April. According to scientists, the solar eclipse of the month of April is going to be different. The special thing about this eclipse is that during the eclipse the sun will be seen in its most bizarre form. That is, there will be 3 types of solar eclipse in a single day – partial, total and annular solar eclipse. Scientists have named it Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Read More – You also want to do Solo Trip before marriage, then this is the best place to explore …

Hybrid is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Sun takes shape in three ways, in which first the Sun is annular, then there is a total solar eclipse, after which this process changes. During this, a ring-like shape is also formed in the sun. Although this solar eclipse will not be visible to the people of India. April 20 – First lunar eclipse of the year (Astronomical Events In April)
After the solar eclipse on April 20, the moon will come behind the earth, due to which the first lunar eclipse of the year will take place. According to Indian time, this incident will be seen at 9:15 in the morning. Due to which the people of India will not be able to see this eclipse. It will rain on April 23.
A unique astronomical phenomenon will be seen on 23rd April. Please tell, on this day Lyrid meteor shower will be seen. Meteor shower or meteor rain occurs when the debris released from the Earth, comet or asteroid floats on the atmosphere and falls on the surface. The size of many of these meteorites is very large.