Raipur: What happened in hearing and seeing is no less than a film story, a man keeping his head under the track with the intention of committing suicide.

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Breaking News You must have seen the hero saving a person in the suicide case of films. But police jawan Prakash Singh, who was going to Rajnandgaon by Rajdhani Raipur Dnyaneshwari Express, saw near Sarona station that a person in the middle line was keeping his head under the track with the intention of committing suicide. He chainpulled his train. Since the train was on speed, the train stopped at a distance of about 1 kilometer. Then he looked towards the middle line that a goods train was coming fast in that line and the said person was keeping his head on the track to commit suicide. Coincidentally the pot he had was of red color and he ran in front of the train to stop the goods train, meanwhile the driver of the goods train applied the emergency brake. Due to which the train slowed down to a great extent, but still the person who committed suicide suffered injuries in his shoulder and head. But his life was saved and he has been admitted to the hospital. Where his treatment is going on. Now the pictures of this hero are getting viral in social media.