Raipur. Against the wrong policies of the Modi government, the Congressmen are sitting on a dharna today at Gandhi Maidan in Raipur. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, PCC President Mohan Markam, MLA and senior Congress leaders have participated in this demonstration. PCC President Markam said, Lotus flower has become a talisman, wearing which stops reading raids like ED and IT.
Markam said, today we will all attend the meeting of the national president and in the coming days Congress is going to organize a big movement. The Modi government sitting at the center is continuously misusing the central agencies. A one-day protest has been organized today in protest against this. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has also participated in the Congress demonstration. Markam said, truth can be troubled, but cannot be defeated. At this time the whole country is standing with Rahul Gandhi. The great freedom fighters of the country have given the fundamental right to speak to every citizen of the country, but the Modi government at the center is trying to crush the fundamental rights of the country. Markam said, today once again we have to fight a war like freedom. Is. Today, Modi has done God’s work by giving the hard-earned money of 130 crore people in the country to his colleagues. He said, Narendra Modi is trying to scare the Congress and the citizens of the country, but we will not be afraid, we will fight and win.