Raipur: Heartfelt farewell given to Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike

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Governor Sushri Uike left for Manipur State
Raipur 21 February 2023

Governor Sushri Uike leaves for Manipur State

Governor Sushri Uike leaves for Manipur State

Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike was given an emotional farewell from Raj Bhavan Chhattisgarh today. Before the departure of the Governor, he was given a guard of honor and the Governor inspected the guard of honour. On this occasion, the officers and employees of Raj Bhavan greeted Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike by showering flowers. Thereafter, Governor Sushri Uikey left for the state of Manipur.
On this occasion, all the officers and employees of Raj Bhavan Chhattisgarh including Governor’s Secretary Mr. Amrit Kumar Khalkho, Legal Advisor Mr. Rajesh Srivastava and Deputy Secretary Mr. Deepak Agarwal were present.

Governor Sushri Uike leaves for Manipur State

Governor Sushri Uike leaves for Manipur State

Governor Sushri Uike leaves for Manipur State

It may be noted that Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey has been appointed as the Governor of Manipur by the President. Last day, the Governor was given an emotional farewell by the officers and employees of the Raj Bhavan. On this occasion, Governor Sushri Uike also gave a message to the state and thanked the people of the state.
It is worth mentioning that during her tenure of three and a half years, Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike has done many remarkable works in the interest of the people of Chhattisgarh. Brief details of the tenure of Governor Sushri Uike are as follows-

01. Meeting with other delegations including various religious and social organizations –
02. Involved in webinar virtual program – 61
03. Involved in various conferences – 157
04. Involved in convocation – 22
05. Signing of Bills passed by Vidhansabha – 73
06 Migration of different districts of the state – 20 (Raipur, Bilaspur, Mahasamund, Gariaband, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Sarguja, Bastar, Surajpur, Mungeli, Kawardha, Balod, Raigarh, Narayanpur, Dhamtari, Dantewada, Kanker, Kondagaon) 07. Various
states Visits – 09 (Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Punjab, New Delhi, Maharashtra)
08. As on 14 February 2022, amount approved under voluntary grant – Rs 2 crore 46 lakh 55 thousand 2 hundred and forty five
09. Approval of Ordinances of Universities as Chancellor -111

01 Chhattisgarh state is tribal majority and majority of its population resides in forest areas.
Most of the parts of the state including Bastar and Surguja divisions come under the fifth schedule where tribal communities have special rights.
03 Governor Sushri Anusuiya Uike has made efforts to implement PESA law from the state to the national level. With this intention, the policy makers have been informed through important forums and have communicated through constant correspondence.
04 As a result, keeping in view the interests of the tribal community, important decisions have been taken by the State Government in the meeting of the Council of Ministers in the direction of its implementation. The draft of the Chhattisgarh Panchayat Provisions (Extension to Scheduled Areas) (PESA) Rules-2022 was approved by the Council of Ministers. With these rights granted by the constitution, the interests of the entire tribal community of Chhattisgarh will be protected.
is a kidney disease affected village located in the Gariaband district of Chhattisgarh.
01 Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike visited Supebeda village in October 2019 after taking oath as the Governor of the State in July 2019.
02 The Governor immediately got detailed information about its cause and solution. He not only consoled the relatives of the afflicted families, but along with helping those families, made efforts in the direction that people do not suffer from this disease in future.
03 With the initiative of the Governor, to provide pure drinking water to the villagers of Supebeda, approval was given for a water filter plant costing Rs 14 crore.
04 The Governor had also instructed the administration to continuously cooperate with the people of Supebeda. Patients coming to Raipur for the treatment of kidney disease were asked to ensure availability of blood and arrangements for food and accommodation.
With the efforts of the Governor, dialysis facility was started in Supebeda.
women empowerment
        Participated in 07 programs organized for women in the year 2022. Along with this, Governor Sushri Uike herself took the initiative and honored them by organizing a program for women in the Durbar Hall of Raj Bhavan on March 2020.
01 Governor Sushri Anusuiya Uike makes continuous efforts for the upliftment and empowerment of women.
02 Governor Sushri Uike is always ready to meet women with priority, participate in their organized programs and felicitation ceremonies and encourage them.
03 During his stay in the Bastar and Surguja divisions of the state, he interacted directly with the women of the tribal community and encouraged them and inspired them to move forward.  
Special efforts and instructions for control and treatment of corona infection
01 The Governor stood by the people of the state during the challenging times of Corona.
02 In the discussion with the President and the Prime Minister, issues related to Chhattisgarh were also kept prominent and urged for maximum cooperation.
By continuously contacting 03 people’s representatives, social organizations and senior administrative officers, inquired about the situation of Corona. Suggested to seek help from paramedical staff of paramilitary forces.
04 Governor Sushri Uike asked to remove misconceptions related to shortage of medicines and gave instructions to ensure smooth supply of medicines.
05 The Governor also extended his cooperation in bringing back the citizens, laborers and students trapped in different parts of the country and abroad in the adverse situation of the lockdown. For this purpose, he spoke to the Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah and also wrote a letter to the External Affairs Minister, which helped the citizens a lot.
06 Governor and President of Indian Red Cross Society Chhattisgarh Sushri Anusuiya Uike provided oxygen concentrator and air purifier machines to tribal districts during Kovid.
Efforts for dissolution of Fifth Schedule Nagar Panchayats
01 Due to the efforts of Governor Sushri Anusuiya Uikey, Gram Panchayats which were included in Nagar Panchayats under Fifth Schedule areas, some of those areas were re-disbanded from urban areas. Gram Panchayat has been included and the process of separating some Gram Panchayat areas from urban areas is going on.
02 As a result of continuous efforts and correspondence of Governor Sushri Anusuiya Uike, the residents of Gram Panchayats coming under the fifth schedule have got benefits.  

Recruitment of youth of Special Backward Tribes
01 The Governor sent letters from time to time to the State Government to resolve the problems brought to the notice of the Governor by the representatives of various organizations of the tribal society.
It was also brought to the notice of the Governor by 02 Special Backward Tribe members that since the year 2013 the special recruitment drive for them is closed. In this regard, the Governor discussed with the Chief Minister and in the meeting of the Chhattisgarh Tribal Advisory Council, it was decided that educated youth belonging to special backward tribes would be given government jobs as per eligibility.
03 Along with this, immediate approval was given to the proposal of formation of Staff Selection Commission to recruit local youths on Class III and IV vacant posts in Bastar and Surguja regions.
04 Similarly, the proposal to set up a separate Secretariat of the Tribal Advisory Council was also approved without any delay.

Efforts to include 12 communities of the state in Scheduled Tribes
01 With the special initiative of Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike, the Union Cabinet has given approval to include 12 communities of the state in Scheduled Tribes. The Governor keeps meeting various tribal organizations of the state and the organizations informed the Governor about the denial of Scheduled Tribe status to many communities due to quantitative error. In view of the sensitivity of the matter, Governor Ms. Uike had prominently raised the issue of quantitative error of 12 communities in the governor’s conference held in New Delhi. Similarly, Governor Sushri Uike had requested the President Smt. Draupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on various occasions by giving information regarding the quantitative error of the tribes and urged for appropriate action.
02 The Union Cabinet has given consent to include the following 12 communities of Chhattisgarh in Scheduled Tribes. In which Bhariya as a synonym of Bhumiya, Bhuiyan, Bhuiyan, Bhuyan, reformation of Bhariya as Bhariya without changing the English version of the name. Pando with Pando, Pando, Pando as a synonym for Dhanwar Dhanuhar, Dhanuvar द्र Gadba, Gond with Gond Kondh with Kond Kodaku with Kodaku Nagesia, Kisan as a synonym for Nagasia, refinement of Dhangarh Dhangad Savar Savar, Savra As a synonym of Soura, Sanvara.
Housing for surrendered Naxalites
01 The Governor visited Naxal-affected Dantewada district and met the surrendered Naxalites and inquired about their problems.
02 The Governor interacted with Danteshwari Mahila Commandos and inquired about the work being done by them in the eradication of Naxalites and encouraged them by meeting the disabled children of Saksham Vidyalaya.
03 After talking to the surrendered people in Dantewada, the Governor asked the Chief Minister to immediately announce the construction of houses for the surrendered villagers leaving the Naxalites and in the present situation the houses for the surrendered Naxalites in Dantewada have been completed.

With the initiative of the Governor, a new insurance scheme for Tendupatta Collectors was started
01 On the initiative of the Governor, the Forest Minister directed the officials to take prompt action and after that the new insurance scheme Shaheed Mahendra Karma Tendupatta Collector Social Security Scheme was started.
02 The Governor obtained information regarding the amount of the pending scholarship scheme for Tendupatta collector families. Instructions were given to get the scholarship of the children on time.
03With the sensitivity of the Governor, Tendupatta collector families also got the incentive amount pending since 2018, which was a great relief to the forest dwellers in the face of the Kovid epidemic.
Governor adopted village Sulfipadar in Kondagaon district
01 Governor Sushri Anusuiya Uike adopted village Sulfipadar.
Commendable work of forest protection is being done by women in 02 village Sulfipadar. The women groups of village Sulfipadar do not allow anyone to cut or burn the forests and do not allow anyone to graze cattle. Black pepper is cultivated under trees by this group.
03 The initiative was taken by the Governor to solve the water problem of the farmers of this village and many problems related to the cultivation of black pepper by them.
04 The Governor made a list of those who have not got community forest rights patta and asked to submit an application to the government and complete the process of registration of societies.
05 The Governor visited Salfipadar village again in September 2022 and observed the development of the village and directly saw the economic empowerment of women.
amnesty for prisoners
The Governor, after liberally considering the mercy petitions of 13 prisoners, approved the remission of sentence under Article 161 of the Indian Constitution. Along with this, on August 15, 2022 and January 26, 2023, under the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, 42 and 24 prisoners were respectively approved for premature release as per the proposal of the government.
Details of Voluntary Grant
01 Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike has helped needy individuals, organizations and institutions by giving voluntary grants in view of their special needs. Especially the persons suffering from serious diseases have been cooperated with priority. From July 29, 2019 to February 14, 2023, a total of Rs 2 crore 46 lakh 55 thousand 2 hundred and forty five voluntary grants have been approved.
01 Governor-cum-ex-officio Chancellor Ms. Anusuiya Uike has continuously toured the universities during the last three years and attended 22 convocations and awarded degrees to the students. The governor actively participated in the programs of the universities and interacted with the youth and encouraged them to move forward.   
University Coordination Committee Meeting
01 Governor Sushri Anusuiya Uike as Chancellor and Chairperson of University Coordination Committee remains alert and alert about the quality of education. The governor also took the initiative to set up placement cells and career guidance cells in universities. The Governor made serious efforts towards implementing the National Education Policy.
Worked as Chairman of Sainik Welfare Board

01 In the 14th meeting of State Management Committee of Sainik Welfare Board Chhattisgarh under the chairmanship of Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike, 11 fixed agenda were discussed in detail and important decisions were taken in the interests of ex-servicemen. Approval was also given to increase in various assistance amount and honor given to ex-servicemen.
In the 02 meeting, approval was given by the committee to increase the amount of financial assistance given per month to World War II pensioners from Rs 7,000 to Rs 10,000. Along with this, it was decided to give one lakh rupees instead of the proposal of giving 30 thousand to 50 thousand rupees to the ex-servicemen who are above 70 years of age and are extremely poor. Ex-servicemen, whose age is more than 75 years, the amount of respect given to them has been increased, accordingly the limit of completion of 75 years has been reduced to 70 years and on completion of 70 years, 70 thousand, on completion of 75 years 75 thousand, 80 thousand on completion of 80 years and 90 thousand on completion of 90 years, 95 thousand on completion of 95 years, On completion of 100 years, it was approved to provide 01 lakh lump sum and 01 lakh every year on the age of more than 100 years. Similarly, the amount of financial assistance given to ex-servicemen after getting training from Industrial Training Institute was increased from Rs.500 to Rs.5000.
The fixed monthly income limit for one-time financial assistance of Rs 15 thousand given to ex-servicemen for self-employment was increased from Rs 6 thousand to Rs 25 thousand. Similarly, only one son of ex-servicemen is eligible for N.D.A.I.M.A., O.T.A. On the proposal to increase the honorarium of Rs. 1000 to Rs. 3000 for getting training in M.P., along with increasing the honorarium to Rs.
Approval has been given to increase the amount of assistance given to physically and mentally disabled children of 04 ex-servicemen, according to which instead of the proposal to increase 07 hundred rupees to 15 hundred rupees for 26 to 50 percent disabled children, 02 thousand Rs. 03 thousand instead of the proposal to increase it from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 02 thousand for 51 to 75 percent disabled child and Rs. 06 thousand instead of the proposal to increase it from Rs. 1500 to Rs. Approval was given to provide Rs.
05 Along with this, the amount of financial assistance given per month to ex-servicemen living in government old age homes has been increased from Rs.1500 to Rs.5000. Approval was given to increase the amount of assistance given to patients undergoing cancer treatment and dialysis from Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000 every year. Allocation of funds was also approved for minor construction, repair and decoration in Durg, Rajnandgaon and Jagdalpur including the newly constructed Sainik rest house Raipur.
06 The Governor inaugurated the new rest house of Sainik Welfare Board at Jagdalpur. Along with this, the Sainik Welfare Board was instructed to issue helpline numbers for the brave warriors and their families.

Efforts in the interest of the students of Shri Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Medical College

Taking cognizance regarding the future of the students of Shri Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Medical College, Durg, Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike directed the concerned officers and administration.

Working as the President of Red Cross Society
01 Governor Ms. Uike, while working as the President of Red Cross Society, continuously tried to upgrade the health facilities in the state. For this, the Governor also provided an ambulance. Along with appreciating the works of the society, directed for the expansion of health services.
02 During Kovid, other materials like oxygen concentrator and hygiene kit were supplied to tribal-dominated districts by the Red Cross Society.
Work for health upgradation of Pando community of Surajpur    
During the Suraj Pravas, the Governor provided a new ambulance with a voluntary grant for expansion of better health facilities in special backward tribal-dominated areas. In this ambulance, along with doctors and nursing staff, the villagers will also get the facility of free medicines.