Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel is participating in the virtual program organized for transfer of funds of Godhan Nyaya Yojana at his residence office.

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Raipur, 06 February 2023

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel is participating in the virtual program organized for the transfer of funds under Godhan Nyaya Yojana at his residence office.

Agriculture Minister Mr. Ravindra Choubey, Food Minister Mr. Amarjit Bhagat, Advisor to Chief Minister Mr. Pradeep Sharma, Chief Secretary Mr. Amitabh Jain, Additional Chief Secretary Mr. Subrat Sahu are also present in the meeting.
In the program, the Chief Minister released an amount of Rs. 8 crore 23 lakh online to cattle rearing villagers, women groups associated with Gothans and Gothan committees. 

In this amount, from January 15 to January 31, 2.38 lakh quintal cow dung was purchased from cattle herders, farmers and landless in Gauthans, Rs 4 crore 76 lakh, Rs 2.04 crore to Gauthan committees and Rs 1.43 crore to women’s groups. .

Under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, out of the amount of Rs 4.76 crore transferred to the vendors for the purchase of cow dung, only Rs 1.98 crore has been paid by the Agriculture Department and Rs 2.78 crore has been paid by the self-supporting Gothans. 

So far 4927 Gothans have become self-reliant in the state, who have started purchasing cow dung from their own savings. 

Till now cow dung worth Rs 40.49 crore has been purchased and paid by the self-supporting Gothans. 

Thirteen units for making natural paint from cow dung have started in Gauthans.

So far 17936 liters of natural paint has been produced through functional units, out of which an income of Rs 22 lakh 51 thousand 110 has been earned from the sale of 9622 liters of natural paint. 

Establishment of units for making natural paint from cow dung is in the final stage in 29 identified Gauthans of 21 districts of the state. Soon they will start producing natural paint.