Raipur: Government crackdown on online gambling, strict action will be taken

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Provision for imprisonment of two to five years and fine of up to one lakh rupees

Chhattisgarh Gambling Prohibition Act 2022 made on the initiative of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

Advertisements related to online gambling will be banned, violation will be punished with imprisonment of three years

Amended Act includes cognizable and non-bailable sections for harsher punishment

Raipur, January 5, 2023
Those who gamble and feed online in Chhattisgarh are not well now. On the initiative of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, the Chhattisgarh Gambling Prohibition Bill 2022 has been passed in the Vidhansabha to crack down on online gambling and it has been given the form of an Act. Online gambling was not defined in the earlier Act, in which the term online gambling platform has now been added to the definition of gambling house. The words electronic record, electronic device, mobile app, electronic transfer of funds related to online gambling have been added to the definition of gambling equipment.

There was no provision of punishment for online gambling in the old Act. At present, a separate provision for punishment has been made in the Act for online gambling. In which provision of imprisonment of one to three years and fine of fifty thousand to five lakh has been made. For subsequent offences, there is a provision of imprisonment of two years to seven years and a fine of one lakh to ten lakh rupees.

Provision for imprisonment of two to five years and a fine of up to one lakh rupees,
amending the Act, now including online platforms in the punishment, increasing the quantum of punishment for subsequent offense (repetition of crime) from two to five years Provision has been made for imprisonment of up to one lakh rupees. Earlier, there was a provision of imprisonment of one year or a fine of up to two thousand rupees for this.

Till the amendment of the Act, all the offenses under the Prohibition of Gambling Act were cognizable and bailable. Making strict provisions for action in the present act, owning a gambling house (Section-4), gambling (Section-6), online gambling (Section-7), violation of advertisement prohibition (Section-11) and by the company Offense (Section-12) has been made a cognizable and non-bailable offence.

According to the Chhattisgarh Gambling Prohibition Act 2022, a provision has been made for punishment of up to six months and a fine of three thousand to ten thousand rupees, while in the previous act, there was a provision of imprisonment of 4 months or a fine of one hundred rupees. Along with this, for the person who is found in the gambling house, in the earlier provision, there was a provision of “fine up to five hundred rupees or imprisonment of four months”, which has been increased, now there is a provision of punishment up to six months and fine up to ten thousand rupees. has been done.

Providing an account for online gambling will also be a punishable offense
In Chhattisgarh, there was no provision in the past to punish for providing an account for online gambling. In the current act, if a person provides an account for online gambling or gambling, then it has been made a punishable offence. Along with this, for giving false name and address by the arrested people, the punishment has been increased from four months imprisonment to imprisonment for a term of up to six months or a fine of up to five thousand rupees. provision has been made.

Advertisements related to online gambling will be banned, there will be three years of imprisonment for violation,
in the previous act there was no provision regarding banning advertisements of gambling games, in the present act, for violation of prohibition of advertisement, a period of up to three years Provision has been made for imprisonment of up to fifty thousand rupees.

In the present Act, the offense committed by the company has been made punishable.
Earlier, there was no provision of punishment for the offense committed by the company, whereas in the present Act, the offense committed by the company has been made punishable.