Mint Covid Tracker: India’s corona trajectory slowing, with cases doubling in eleven days

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NewDelhi 30 April 2020 . The number of reported coronavirus cases in India rose 12 percent over the past two days to 31,787, data from the ministry of health and family welfare (MoHFW) published last evening showed. This is a slower rate of increase compared to the previous 48 hours, when the reported case count rose 14 percent to 28,380.

So far this week, the number of cases has gone up by 18 percent (between Sunday evening and Wednesday evening). This is slower compared to the previous three days, when confirmed cases had risen by 24 percent.

Although India’s coronavirus trajectory has tapered over the past couple of weeks, it continues to be steeper compared to Asian peers such as Japan and Indonesia.

At current trajectory, India’s case count would reach 50k by next Wednesday.

New infections rising in Asia, falling in Europe.

Compared to Western nations where the virus has claimed more lives, the trajectories of most Asian countries, including India, have been flatter so far. Yet, with new infections declining, the worst may be over for several European countries. In most Asian countries, new infections are still rising.

India’s case count is now roughly double what it was eleven days ago. This is a much slower rate compared to early-April, when cases were doubling every four days. Deaths have also seen slower rise. India’s death toll from covid-19 as of last evening was 1,008, roughly double what it was twelve days ago. Still, at the current rate of compounded growth, the number of cases could rise to 50,000 in the next six days. If this trajectory continues beyond that period, it could overwhelm India’s hospital capacity and strain an already overburdened healthsystem.

At 7,530, Maharashtra leads in terms of the number of active cases, according to the health ministry update on Wednesday evening. Active cases exclude deaths and recoveries from the list of confirmed cases.

Gujarat has the second most number of active cases (3,159), followed by Delhi (2,182). At 2,065 active cases, Madhya

Pradesh has the fourth-highest number of active cases, followed by Uttar Pradesh (1,602). The top five states together account for 72 percent of the active cases nationally, and the top ten states account for 92 percent of all cases.

Nationally, the active case count was 22,982 as of yesterday evening. These are early days yet and the state-wise distribution could change in the coming days. Testing across states has been uneven and as testing gets ramped up, more cases could come to light in states where reported cases have been low so far.

Maharashtra has seen the highest spike in new infections, Rajasthan in deaths.

Over the past seven days, Maharashtra, West Bengal, and Gujarat have seen the highest spike in cases among top ten states with most cases. These three states account for 65 percent of all the new active cases in this period. Over the same period, fatalities have surged the most in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh. These three states account for 36 percent of all covid-related deaths over the past seven days.

Over the past two days, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Indore, and Chennai districts have seen the biggest spike in confirmed cases nationally. These five districts account for 53 percent of new cases over this period, data compiled by shows. Other districts that have seen a sharp spike over the past two days include Thane in Maharashtra, North West Delhi, and Pune in Maharashtra.

So far, 473 districts have confirmed cases in the country. Mumbai (6,636 cases) has reported the most number of cases nationally among all districts, followed by Ahmedabad (2,777) in Gujarat. Indore (1,476) in Madhya Pradesh, Pune (1,287) in Maharashtra and New Delhi (1,059) are the other leading districts. These top five districts now account for 40 percent of confirmed cases in the country.

Thane (882) in Maharashtra, Jaipur (867) in Rajasthan, Chennai (768) in Tamil Nadu, Surat (601) in Gujarat, and Hyderabad (552) in Telangana are the other high-burden districts which figure in the list of top ten districts. The top ten districts account for 51 percent of the confirmed cases nationally.

Most of India’s hotspots so far have been urban affluent districts, with richer states hit harder than the rest.

The coronavirus case count has crossed 3.1 million globally even as several parts of the world, including India, continue to be under lockdown to contain the pandemic.