Raipur: Cluster level training of school management committee members on 22 and 23 and school level training on 29 and 30 November

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Raipur 21 November 2022

A time-table has been issued for the training of the members of the School Management Committee constituted in elementary level schools in the state. According to the prescribed time-table, two-day training of cluster level resource team will be given on 22 and 23 November and school level training on 29 and 30 November. Managing Director Holistic Education has instructed all the District Mission Coordinators, District Project Offices to complete the training program as per the scheduled date.    
    Two-day training of the cluster level resource team Two persons from each school, including a head teacher or a teacher skilled in training or a member of the School Management Committee (SMC) who is willing to impart training, as master trainers at the cluster headquarters Two days training will be provided from 21st to 23rd November. This training will be given by the district level resource team. State Literacy Commission will participate in the training. Similarly, two-day training to SMC members at the school level will be imparted to all the members of the School Management Committee (SMC) constituted at the school by master trainers at the cluster level on 29 and 30 November. It is worth mentioning that a two-day training has been given to the state level and district level resource teams.