Raipur: By developing the habitat areas of wild animals, the work of their conservation and promotion continues. wild animals

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10553 ha in the year 2021-22. pasture development work in the area

Development of water sources in the habitat of wild animals
Raipur 08 November 2022

Forest departmentForest department

Continuous work is being done for their conservation and welfare by developing the habitat areas of wild animals in the state. Under this, wildlife conservation, promotion, management and development of habitat areas is being done in protected areas and regional forest divisions. Under the able guidance of Minister of Forest and Climate Change, Shri Mohammad Akbar, the development of water sources in forest areas, construction of ponds, anicuts and stop dams, tube well mining, pasture development, lantana eradication, fence construction etc. are going on continuously.

Forest department
In this context, the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wild Animals) Shri P.V. Narsing Rao said that 10 thousand 553 ha by the department in the year 2021-22. Pasture development work has been done in the area so that food can be easily available to vegetarian wild animals. As a result, there is a continuous increase in the number of wild animals. Also this year about 82003 ha. Lentana eradication work has been done in the area. Work is also being done to reduce the outbreak of Lentana in protected areas. With this work, on the one hand, lantana will provide open spaces for wild animals to move about and on the other hand these open spaces will give an opportunity to grow grass and other plants, which are suitable food for our wild animals. Pasture grounds are also being developed in such areas.

Forest department
Water availability is an important component of wildlife habitat improvement programme. Due to the lack of water, especially in the summer season, wild animals enter the populated areas, due to which the situation of human-wildlife conflict is created and wild animals are also harmed. If the availability of water is ensured only in protected areas, then this problem can be overcome. Therefore, 112 ponds, 12 anicuts, 20 stop dams, 284 waterholes, 237 gabion structures and 135 raw boulder check dams have been constructed by the department under various schemes.
Apart from this, considering the importance of the safety of wild animals, the system of continuous patrolling has been ensured and to facilitate tourism, construction and upgradation of forest roads has been done in 1 thousand 463 kms. In order to provide better housing facilities to the field staff, about 76 different types of residential houses have been built. Similarly, publicity is being done to make the general public aware about positive thinking, awareness and prevention measures towards wild animals.