Raipur: Sowing of Kharif crops in 46 lakh 37 thousand hectare

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Raipur, 23 September 2022

The sowing of Kharif crops in the state is in the final stage. According to the report received from the Agriculture Department, so far sowing of paddy, other cereal crops including oilseeds and vegetables has been done in 46 lakh 37 thousand hectares, which is 96 percent of the target of sowing for the current Kharif season. Till now, paddy in 36 lakh 94 thousand hectares, maize in 2 lakh 23 thousand 810 hectares, Kodo-Kutki in 86 thousand 810 hectares, ragi in 35 thousand 370 hectares, pulses in 2 lakh 84 thousand 160 hectares, 1 lakh 38 thousand Sowing of oilseeds in 610 hectares and vegetable and other crops in 1 lakh 73 thousand 430 hectares has been completed.

The state has a target of sowing kharif crops in 48 lakh 20 thousand hectare area in the Kharif season 2022, in which 33 lakh 60 thousand 500 hectares of paddy, 4 lakh 60 thousand 780 hectares including maize, Kodo-Kutki, Ragi crops, 4 lakh The target of cultivating pulses in 48 thousand 180 hectares, oilseeds in 2 lakh 67 thousand 700 hectares and vegetables and other crops in 2 lakh 82 thousand 850 hectares has been set. Against the set target, so far paddy has been sown in 25 lakh 50 thousand 210 hectares. Similarly, paddy has been planted in 11 lakh 44 thousand 590 hectares in the state. Paddy has been sown in a total of 36 lakh 94 thousand 800 hectares including paddy sowing and transplanting. 

Under pulses, arhar has been sown in one lakh 23 thousand 170 hectares, moong in 16 thousand 730 hectares, urad in 01 lakh 33 thousand 930 hectares and kulthi in 10 thousand 330 hectares, which is earmarked for pulses. This is 63 percent of the target of planting 4 lakh 48 thousand 180 hectares. 

Similarly, in the Kharif season 2022 under oilseed crops, groundnut in 57 thousand 50 hectares, sesame in 23 thousand 980 hectares, soybean in 42 thousand 20 hectares, Ramtil in 15 thousand 210 hectares, sunflower and castor sesame in 350 hectares. Sowing has been done, which is 52 percent of the target of sowing oilseed crops. Vegetables and other crops have been sown in one lakh 73 thousand 430 hectares, which is 61 percent of the target.