Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey received a courtesy call on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi during his stay in New Delhi last day. Governor Ms. Uike greeted the Prime Minister in advance on Raksha Bandhan, the festival of brother-sister affection. He tied rakhi on the wrist of the Prime Minister on behalf of all the sisters of the state and wished him a healthy and long life. The Governor thanked the Prime Minister for starting the Tricolor campaign at Har Ghar.` On this occasion, the Governor discussed various topics and contemporary activities related to the state with Prime Minister i Modi. According to the information received through the CAs and traders of the state, he informed the Prime Minister about the matters related to GST and requested for its redressal. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi assured cooperation on this subject. Governor Ms. Uike also informed the Prime Minister regarding the law and order situation in the state. At the same time, the Governor urged for its early amendment in view of the difficulty in getting the certificate due to quantitative error in the list of 22 tribes of Chhattisgarh. He also highlighted the issues of protection of the rights of the residents in the areas falling under the Fifth Schedule in the state.
During this, Governor Ms. Uike presented cow dung garlands, cow urine and other products prepared by Gaushala of the state to the Prime Minister. Along with this, he also presented a sketch of the Prime Minister made by a tribal artist of Chhattisgarh and ‘Ek Asha’, a quarterly magazine published by Raj Bhavan.