Raipur: Special article: Dhoom of Hareli Tihar in Chhattisgarh

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” Hareli Tihar le “Gaumutra Purchase” is the beginning of
“Self-reliance and an effort to increase employment”

Raipur, 27 July 2022

Article- Tej Bahadur Singh Bhuwal, Assistant Information Officer
Agriculture is embedded in the lives of the people of the villages of Chhattisgarh. And this is our first festival, Hareli, associated with agriculture. In Chhattisgarh, people celebrate this festival with laughter, joy, faith, love and pomp to connect and preserve folk culture and traditions. This is the day the festival begins. With the arrival of Sawan, the green trees, paths, trees, bushes, fields and fields fascinate the mind. This festival is celebrated by the farmers after the sowing of the fields. They keep the juda, nagar, ganti, spade, shovel white and worship the cows and also remember the family gods, Indra and Thakur. Ye Din Kisan Man Hawa, They pray for the water and the land to be kept beautiful and for peace to be maintained. The Baiga Man performed pujas at night to protect the village. The bowl of rice is remembered by the farmers for the growth and development of agriculture. Yekhar seti to hamar Chhattisgarh ke baat hi kuch alag he-
“Dhar of Arpa pari is
Mahanadi, there is immense
Indravati, Pakharay Torpaiyan
Mhow feet Parv Tore Bhuiya
Jai ​​Ho Jai Ho Chhattisgarh Mayyan”

It seems as if our Chhattisgarh mother is wearing green clothes, adorned with colorful flowers, garlands, rivers and streams in her limbs, holding wealth and grain, and giving blessings.
The happiness in Chhattisgarh will increase many times during the Hareli festival. The state government would launch its ambitious scheme ”Godhan Nyay Yojana” in Continuing the same scheme, they are starting to buy cow urine by Hareli Tihar. The Chief Minister of the state is trying to bring back the lost folk culture and traditional identity of the farmers by launching the Suraji Gaon Yojana to strengthen the rural economy. The government is trying to ensure that the children of the state know, understand and preserve their land, culture, faith and traditions.
The Government has provided employment opportunities and economic benefits to the farmers through the ”Godhan Nyay Yojana’ The government charges the government rate of Rs 2 per kg for manure from cattle breeders in barns across the state. The same manure is made into beautiful khatu and sold to farmers at Rs. 10 per kg. They make pots, paints and many other items from the dung and sell them. The government decided to carry out the scheme till Hareli Tihar. In Gauthan Man, cow urine will be bought at Rs. 4 per litre. These cow urine will be used to make bio-nectar and medicines for the diseases of agriculture. This will also provide jobs and higher earnings for farmers and workers. This will promote organic farming and reduce the cost of farming for farmers. The yield in the field will increase.
In the coming years, the plan will promote more organic farming and the efforts of the government will increase employment in villages and cities. There will be financial benefits for the cattle breeders as well as encouragement for cow breeding and cow protection. With the efforts of the government, it seems that the dream of Gram Swaraj of our father Mahatma Gandhi is now being realized in Chhattisgarh in the form of self-reliant villages.
The Government is implementing ”Godhan Nyay Yojana” to increase income of cattle breeders, prevent livestock straying and open grazing, promote use of organic fertilizers and reduce use of chemical fertilizers, make availability of organic fertilizers in villages , emphasizes employment for local self-help groups, making the land more fertile, growing poison-free food and increasing good nutrition.
Through the state’s ambitious scheme ”Narva, Garuwa, Ghuruwa and Badi”, MGNREGA is working to connect everyone in self help groups. At the same time, the ”Godhan Nyay Yojana” provides employment to a large number of cowherds. No labourer, farmer needs to leave villages and cities. Everyone gets good jobs.
So tell me, my friend, if you get all this happiness, will you celebrate my first Hareli festival? For the festival, we will celebrate the sowing of agriculture and the beautiful after-sowing. Where we will whiten the chakra for the city, the sledgehammer, the hoe, the shovel and worship the cows and remember the family gods and goddesses. Remember the bowl of rice for the mother of Chhattisgarh, for the advancement and development of our agriculture.
In Tihar village from house to house Gur-cheela, Dumpling Bhajiya with Fara, Typhari-Khurmi, Curry Ladoo, Papchi, Chausela, Au Bobra Ghalo Banhi. Jekhar le Hareli Tihar’s happiness is increasing. This year Hareli Amavasya falls on Thursday. All the farmer brothers worship their farming implements and bring cows and bulls to them, so that they remain healthy and pleasant throughout the year. On this day, cow-garva, mind, disease, be saved, bar-Bagaranda, salt, and flour, mixed with Dasmool-Baggondli, were eaten. On this day, the residents of the city go to their respective villages and celebrate Tihar.
During the Hareli festival, blacksmiths and Rauts will throw neem trees at the doors and windows of every house. It is said that by doing so, the inhabitants of the house are protected from the troubles of the mind. On these days, children make bamboo rounds. The children would climb the wheel and perform various feats. The state government organizes special events in villages and schools, including Gedi Daud, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Fugdi, Coconut Throw and Dance for the children. The objective of this effort is to enable the children of the state to know, understand, connect and preserve our folk culture and traditions.
Happy Hareli Tihar to the Chhattisgarhi people, Jai Chhattisgarh Mother.