Raipur: Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra will start from Hareli

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State Women’s Commission’s new initiative to make women aware of their rights and laws

 Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel will flag off the Mahtari Nyay Rath

Raipur, 27 July 2022

On the initiative of Chhattisgarh State Commission for Women, Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra will be started from Hareli festival with the aim of making the women of the state aware about their constitutional rights and laws and to increase their confidence. Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel will flag off the Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath on the day of Hareli. This Rath will travel in all the districts and make people aware about the legal provisions of women and their constitutional rights through short films, messages and brochures.
The Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra will be conducted through the State Commission for Women. There will also be 2 advocates in each Mahatari Nyay Rath, who will listen to the problems of women and give them information and advice. Women will also be able to apply through Nyay Rath, so that their problems can be resolved by the Women’s Commission. There will be a large LED screen, in which nationally awarded short films in Chhattisgarhi and Hindi languages ​​related to various laws will be shown. The state government has made special changes in the DMF policy for the operator of the Mahtari Nyay Rath. The DMF amount received by the district will be used for the operation of Nyay Rath.
State Women’s Commission Chairperson Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak said that it is very important for all the women, educated, uneducated, housewives, working women to know the functions of the Women’s Commission and the laws, rules and their rights made for women. For this, Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath is being started from Hareli Tihar. Through these Mahatari Nyay Raths, people will be told that how women can easily and easily apply in the Women’s Commission to solve their problems and get free and speedy justice. Initially, this chariot will go first in nine districts receiving Mineral Trust Fund, after that the chariot will go on a tour of the remaining districts of the state.
Smt. Nayak has said that to empower the mothers and sisters of Chhattisgarh socially, economically and politically, in the last three and a half years, the state government has implemented many schemes at different levels. The success of these schemes of ours has become an example in the whole country. Now moving a step further, another new scheme is being started. This scheme will also be the only scheme of its kind in the country. This will make women aware and increase their confidence. Knowledge of women’s legal rights will reduce crimes against women in the state.