BIG NEWS : Lockdown till 3 May, Railways canceled all passenger trains

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Raipur.14 April 2020. After Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision to increase the lockdown, the Railways, taking a big decision, canceled their passenger trains till 3 May. Giving information about this, railway officials said that we have decided to discontinue our passenger rail service till 3 May. Earlier, under the lockdown of 21 days, the Railways canceled their passenger trains till 14 April.

Railways informed that after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement to increase the lockdown, he decided to cancel passenger trains by 3 May. The railway officer said that we have taken this decision keeping in mind the progress of lockdown. Railways also said that more information will be available soon.

However, till a few days ago, there were speculations that the train could start. But now it will be dishonest to make any speculation till 3 May.