Raipur: Chief Minister becomes Hexacopter Drone Pilot

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Today on the request of the children in Manendragarh Swami Atmanand English School, the Chief Minister appeared in the role of Hexacopter Drone Pilot. The Chief Minister successfully landed on the school campus by flying the drone to the heights of the sky. In fact, the Chief Minister reached the Robotics Lab there during the inspection of Swami Atmanand School today. Where Patience and Avinish made him aware of the technical aspects of the Hexacopter drone made by him. The children told that this drone has a camera and can be used for security and cinematography. The children urged the Chief Minister to operate the drone and said that it is very simple to fly it sir. The Chief Minister could not avoid talking about the children and came to the school campus ground with the children. There he handled the remote of the drone under patience guidance. First the Chief Minister took the drone to the height of the school building while flying low. then they Patiently asked – does it go even higher? Dhairya told them that its range is up to one and a half kilometers in the sky. The Chief Minister took the drone to the heights of the sky. Seeing the drone going up, everyone was filled with excitement and there was applause. The Chief Minister brought down the drone step by step from a height and successfully landed it in the school campus. Everyone enjoyed this entire drone flight of the Chief Minister with great enthusiasm. Appreciating the technical skills of the children, the Chief Minister wished them a bright future. enjoyed. Appreciating the technical skills of the children, the Chief Minister wished them a bright future. enjoyed. Appreciating the technical skills of the children, the Chief Minister wished them a bright future.