Raipur : Will work together for livelihood development and increase in agricultural income

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Agricultural University and I.C.I.C.I. Foundation

Agricultural University and I.C.I.C.I. Agreement concluded between the Foundation,

      Raipur, June 24, 2022

Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur and ICIC to develop livelihood development for farmers and villagers, transfer of new agricultural technology, increase in agricultural income and to develop sustainable means of income through processing and value addition of crops in Chhattisgarh. .I Foundation, Mumbai will work together. 
An agreement to this effect was signed at the contract function held here today at the Directorate of Extension Services of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University. On behalf of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Director Extension Services Dr. P.K. Chandrakar and ICICI Chief Operating Officer Shri Anuj Agarwal signed on behalf of the Foundation. The chief guest of the contract ceremony was the Dean of Agriculture College, Dr. M.P. Thakur was Under the agreement, livelihood and income-generating activities will be conducted for the farmers and villagers of Raipur, Durg, Korba and Jashpur districts, in which farmers will be trained in new agricultural technology, processing and value addition of crops, creation of value chain and production of products. Providing marketing facilities. In the conduct of these activities, there will be technical guidance of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University and financial management will be done by ICICI. 
    Indira Gandhi Agricultural University and I.C.I.C.I. Under the contract concluded with the Foundation, in the selected four districts, along with the processing of horticulture crops, dairy, mushroom, lac, curry, etc., through enterprises such as increasing agricultural income, increasing the nutritional and nutritional value of crops and promoting garden-based activities. will be given. 
Under the project, mushroom production in rural areas, quail rearing, Kadaknath rearing, lac rearing, as well as processing of crops grown naturally in abundance in these districts like cilantro, tendu, jackfruit, pear, munga, barhasal paddy etc. Farmers’ income will be increased through value addition. For this, necessary technical training will be provided to farmer producer organizations and women self-help groups by expert scientists of the Agricultural University. ICICI Financial support and marketing arrangements will be made available by the Foundation to conduct these activities. On the occasion of the contract, a one-day workshop was also organized in which the principal scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendras of selected districts, beneficiary farmers, members of women’s group, scientists of Directorate Extension Services and ICICI. Foundation officials were present.