COVID-19 : Hospital staff applaud recovered patients in Bengaluru

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Bengaluru(A) Those who have recovered from COVID-19 are getting a grand farewell from hospital staff at the time of their discharge. In a video doing the rounds on social media, doctors and the nurses at K.C. General Hospital in Bengaluru, were seen applauding a patient who had recovered, and presenting him with a bouquet of flowers.

“We wanted to salute his fighting spirit. It can be a very tough and depressing time in the isolation ward. One has to be strong and take care of their mental health,” said a doctor from the K.C. General Hospital. The patient, who looked visibly relieved, touched the feet of some of the staff. The video was taken by the patient’s father.

In another video, four people in Chickballapur who battled COVID-19 were also discharged amid much applause with the staff presenting them with a sapling and a fruit basket.

At Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMCRI) Trauma and Emergency Care Centre, five patients have been discharged so far and 34 are still under treatment. One of the patients who was admitted here with his wife said that the team was doing a great service by taking care of patients and putting their own lives at risk. He appreciated the efforts of the doctors, nurses and group D employees and praised one of the doctors for repeatedly asking him for feedback on the food served.

In a letter to the Medical Education Department, the patient said he initially thought the doctor’s questions were just a matter of courtesy, but soon realised how sincere the doctor was in making everyone 100% comfortable and meeting their requirements. “However busy she has been with us, she is always back with a message if not a call,” the letter stated. He also added that he was sceptical while entering government-run hospital but has since changed his perception.

C.R. Jayanthi, Dean and Director, BMCRI, stated that the patients were also counselled by a psychiatrist to help them address their fears and anxiety.