Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Baghel gave many gifts to Kutru during the meeting.

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Raipur, 19 May 2022. Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel reached Kutru in Bijapur Vidhan Sabha today to meet the citizens. Local villagers honored the Chief Minister by tying Mungroo Paga and putting katok as a symbol of tribal tradition. During this, the Chief Minister gave many important gifts to the general public for the development of the area. Taking a quick decision, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel also made several announcements on the demand that came during his interaction with the common people. These include acceptance related to basic needs of citizens like education, health, sports and paddy procurement centers in Vananchal. On this occasion, the local people thanked the Chief Minister for getting the forest rights lease, caste certificate on time and getting the benefits of the schemes.

for development

Interacting with the local people, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said that I have come to Kutru for the first time. We did the loan waiver. You must have also benefited from loan waiver. The farmers told that their loans ranging from 20 thousand to 2 lakh have been waived. As soon as Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that the money of Rajiv Gandhi Nyay Yojana will come in your account again day after day, the applause started loudly. He said that those who do not have land, 7 thousand are also being given to them. Our government is also giving 7 thousand to Baiga Guniya, Gaita, Perma, Manjhi. On this, the local people expressed their gratitude by clapping with joy. He inquired about the collection amount of tendu leaves and asked which farmer had taken the tractor, only then the farmer Mangaluram told that I had taken the tractor as soon as your government was formed. The Chief Minister said that due to not being able to pay the first installment, the tractor of the farmers was pulled,

many announcements of
While meeting Mr. Baghel, the local villager Mr. Satyasagar Harikela told the Chief Minister that there is not a single English medium school in Kutru area. The state government’s Swami Atmanand School is echoing across the country. There are more tribal people in Kutru area, who cannot teach children in private English school. There are English medium schools in Bijapur and Bareilly, but that is far away. Saying this, Mr. Satyasagar requested the Chief Minister to open an English medium school in the area, which was supported by all the villagers. Taking immediate decision on the demand of the people, Chief Minister Shri Baghel announced the opening of Swami Atmanand English Medium School in Kutru. Removing the problem of students going to Bijapur and other places for college studies after high school, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel also gave approval to open a government college at Kutru.

college students and

On the demand of college student and member of Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitan Club Shri Mangaluram Kudiyam, the Chief Minister immediately announced the construction of a sports ground at Addavali, Gram Panchayat in Kutru. Along with this, it also gave approval to open Community Health Centre, Mini Stadium and Government Bank at Kutru. Along with this, approval was also given for the new building of the high school in Kutru. He also gave approval for upgradation of primary health center at Bedre, Farsegarh, opening of new paddy procurement center at Farsegarh and upgradation of middle school of Jaivaram primary school.

Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitan Club
Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel provided financial assistance of Rs. 5 lakh to Naxalite violence victim Rita Mandavi in ​​a meeting. After receiving the assistance from the Chief Minister, Rita Mandavi said that she will spend this money for the education and better future of her children and will dedicate her life as before in social service and making people aware.
In Kutru, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel inquired about the implementation of government schemes and asked people about the implementation of flagship schemes. The farmers told that a big work has been done in Kutru in the field of distribution of forest rights pattas. The people here are very happy with this. He expressed his gratitude to the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister asked how many people are selling paddy in support price and how many people have got loan waiver. All the farmers raised their hands. A beneficiary of Godhan Nyay Yojana was happy and told that he has built a house by selling cow dung worth 70 thousand rupees. The Chief Minister also inquired about the collection of minor forest produce and purchase of Mahua, tamarind etc. Collectors told that right now Mahua is selling for Rs 25. The Chief Minister said that a few days ago, Mahua was being sold for Rs 40. Collectors said that due to the season, the rate has come down. On this, the Chief Minister told the Collector
In a conversation with the Chief Minister, farmer Manturam told that he along with his wife does cow dung watch throughout the night. A few days ago, some people of the village had taken away the dung collected by him. He has got the house repaired by selling cow dung under the Godhan Nyay Yojana with the help of Rs 28,000. Now the roof of the house does not leak. During the meeting, the child Yuvan Hemla narrated the song ‘Teri Mitti Mein Mil Jawan’ from the film Kesari to the Chief Minister in his melodious voice. The Chief Minister was happy and called the girl near and gave chocolates.
On taking information from the local villager about the smooth operation of the Haat-Bazaar clinic scheme, the villager said that the car comes to the Haat-bazaar for treatment. In which both medicine and treatment are being done free of cost. On this occasion, such women belonging to self-help groups also came to express their gratitude to Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, whose pleasant changes have come in life due to rural development schemes and promotion of livelihood oriented activities. These women told that they became financially strong by joining Self Help Groups. She is also able to support her family financially. New opportunities for economic income have been available from the conduct of livelihood activities in Gauthan. Along with this, the scope of Bihaan scheme has increased rapidly in rural areas, due to which the economic income of women is increasing. Praising the women of Self Help Groups, Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel said that in Gauthan The government is working in the direction of expanding livelihood activities and strengthening Self Help Groups through Bihaan. Self Help Groups are acting as a strong link in rural development and Gauthans are developing as livelihood oriented centres.