Raipur: Do research keeping in mind the international market demand and requirements: Dr. Chandel

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Raipur, 17 May 2022. The Vice Chancellor of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Dr. Girish Chandel has called upon the agricultural scientists to do research keeping in mind the needs and demands of national and international markets according to the changing global environment. He said that such varieties of different crops should be developed which are in high demand among the farmers. Along with this, emphasis should be given to reduce the cost of cultivation and increase the income of the farmer. Dr. Chandel was addressing the scientists involved in various agricultural research projects in the meeting hall of the College of Agriculture, Raipur, here today. Dr. Chandel stressed on getting the benefits of central and state sponsored schemes in agricultural research. Vice-Chancellor Dr. Chandel also inaugurated the renovated meeting room of Agriculture College, Raipur on this occasion.

Addressing the agricultural scientists, Vice Chancellor Dr. Chandel said that today there are many challenges in the field of agriculture in the country, which mainly include changing weather patterns, increasing cost of farming, low productivity and high risk. He said that agricultural scientists should tackle these challenges and do research work to increase agricultural production and productivity and increase the income of farmers. He said that such varieties of crops should be developed which are capable of withstanding the disparities of weather and capable of giving more production. He said that young scientists should be encouraged to patent their research and products. Dr. Chandel said that the seeds produced by the university would be sold to the farmers and in the open market under the name “Indira Beej”.

In the beginning of the meeting, Director Research Dr. Vivek Tripathi, while giving information about the research works conducted in the Agricultural University, said that 5 international research projects and 42 all India coordinated research projects are being conducted through 18 research centers located in the university. Along with this, 176 projects are being implemented at the university level. About 150 species of 36 different crops have been developed by the University so far. More than 100 innovative farming techniques have been developed by the university for the farmers. Director Extension Services Dr. P.K. Chandrakar informed about the extension activities conducted by the university. The Dean of Agriculture College, Raipur, Dr. M.P. Thakur gave welcome address and vote of thanks. On this occasion Dr. Vinay Pandey, Dean of Agricultural Engineering College, Dean of the College of Food Technology, Dr. M.P. Tripathi, heads of departments, professors and scientists of various departments were present.