Raipur: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel instructed to take necessary measures to avoid heatstroke

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21 April 2022. Hot winds like heat have started blowing in Chhattisgarh amid rising heat. The Meteorological Department has also issued a warning of severe heat wave for the next 24 hours. In such a situation, the sensitive Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel has directed various departments, including the Health Department, to adopt necessary measures to prevent heatstroke. He has asked to make all necessary efforts to save the citizens from the heat wave. At the same time, it has been asked to ensure provision of shady sheds, soft drinking water in public places. Showing immediate activism on the instructions of the Chief Minister, till this evening, various departments including Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Urban Administration and Development Department, Panchayat and Rural Development Department have also issued guidelines for subordinate offices.

Chief Minister Shri Baghel has expressed concern about heat wave in view of the warning of the Meteorological Department and the increasing heat in the state. In such a situation, in view of the effect of heat on the health of the general public, it has been asked to take necessary measures to prevent heatstroke. According to the instructions of the Chief Minister, various departments have issued guidelines to the subordinate departments. According to the guidelines issued, the bulletin issued by the Meteorological Department has been asked to reach the people daily through newspapers, TV news channels and other communication media. At the same time, publicity related to precautions has been directed to be done through hoardings and other means. Shady sheds at all public places, provision of soft drinking water, ORS. Guidelines have been issued for the provision of glucose, availability of First Aid Box (First Aid Equipment), stock of essential medicines, deployment of volunteers etc.
At the same time, arrangements for drinking water for wildlife, animals and birds, necessary measures to prevent forest-fire, plantation in public places and animal owners have been directed to run public awareness programs to save them from the effects of heat wave.