Raipur: Governor honored women and institutions doing excellent work in various fields

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Raipur, 08 March 2022. Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey attended a program organized at Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium under the aegis of Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur on the occasion of International Women’s Day today. On this occasion, he honored mitanins, health workers as well as members of self-help groups, women of various voluntary institutions, who came from far-flung areas of Chhattisgarh for their remarkable contribution in the covid vaccination, and were encouraged by providing citations and mementos. It is noteworthy that under the aegis of Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University, many women centric organizations of the state participated in this event.

Grand event organized by Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University on the occasion of International Women’s Day


Addressing the program, Governor Ms. Uikey greeted the women of the country and the state on International Women’s Day.

He said that today the greatest happiness is happening because the women of various organizations across the state, Health workers and Mitanin, who arrived from remote areas of Chhattisgarh, women professors of the university and our young and energetic students are present together in this house. He said that I am always with me as a governor as well as as your patron as a woman and this half of the population has to be a partner in the progress of the nation together. Governor Ms. Uike said that the sisters of the state are very strong and they have made a unique identity at the national and international level. Giving the example of her personal struggles including that of many learned women, she said that moment by moment we have to fight for our dreams. Women do not get equal opportunities in the social structure. For these reasons, we do not need to be discouraged, but with double morale, we have to do our work and make our place. Governor Ms. Uike said that there was a time when the military, The presence of women was less in areas requiring physical proficiency like police, but now the increasing participation of women in these areas has shattered such myths. The physical and mental capacity of women is much more than that of men. Because they are creative. Referring to the empowerment of women in the tribal dominated areas of Chhattisgarh, he told about the contribution of women of Salfipadar village of Kondagaon district, how they are struggling to save their environment. He said that by joining the National Service Scheme, the spirit of nationalism and leadership develops in the students. Apart from the degree of institutions, the practical knowledge gained in the activities of the National Service Scheme also makes the youth aware of topics like gender equality. Governor Ms. Uike said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, many schemes are being run in the direction of empowering women and providing them opportunities. Which will have positive and far-reaching consequences. With such schemes, women are getting a place in the front line in various fields and the avenues of progress are being paved for them. At the same time, he said that as citizens, we should discharge our duties and ensure our participation for the establishment of a society with equal opportunities.

Grand event organized by Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University on the occasion of International Women’s Day
State Women’s Commission Chairperson Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak while addressing the program said that women celebrate their pride on this day, so warm wishes to all of you on this pride day. He said that gender discrimination from infancy and daughters should not be frightened by the illusion of being mentally and physically weak. Subjects like women’s weakness are factless and the result of masculine mentality. We have to get out of this. The Chairperson of the Women’s Commission, Dr. Nayak said that sons should be explained about issues like gender equality and parents should raise sons like daughters, so that the evils like gender discrimination can be eradicated from the society.

Grand event organized by Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University on the occasion of International Women’s Day
In her address on the occasion, the Forest Divisional Officer of Raipur district, Mrs. Satovisha, cited the many aspects of gender equality and the relationship between the environment. He explained with examples the role of forests and its utility in the lives of women living in villages and forests. Smt. Samajdar said that we have to be aware of our rights and work with determination to achieve our education and goals.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the daughter got the Governor’s autograph
. Governor Ms. Uike very intimately got the introduction of the girl and gave autograph. During this, the Governor smiled and told the girl that today is the day of celebration for all of us and wished her a bright future.

Grand event organized by Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University on the occasion of International Women’s Day

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, women and institutions who did excellent work were honored by the Governor

Women and women-centric organizations across the state were honored today by the platform of the program organized on International Women’s Day at Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium. In which Mahila Dhumal Party, state mountaineer Ms. Naina Dhakad, Nacha’s founder Deepali Saraogi, Para athlete Ishwari Nishad, Chhattisgarh Mahila Manch, Sakhi Foundation, Late Nivedita Foundation, members of the creative Vidyashi Mahila Multipurpose Cooperative Women’s Society were involved. During this, the members of Mahila Dhumal Party gave their beautiful performance in honor of Governor Ms. Uike.