Raipur : Only 2.12 lakh metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers has been supplied by centre to Chhattisgarh

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Raipur, 19 February 2022. Only 2 lakh 12 thousand 162 metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers has been supplied to Chhattisgarh by the Government of India for the Rabi season 2021-22 so far. This is just 52 per cent of the supply plan issued by the Government of India for Chhattisgarh from October to February. The allocation of chemical fertilizers to Chhattisgarh state is not being done as per the approved quantity and supply plan by the Government of India.

Agriculture and Water Resources Minister Mr. Ravindra Choubey informed that Chhattisgarh Government has demanded 7.50 lakh metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers from the Government of India for the Rabi year 2021-22. However, Government of India has given approval to supply only 4.11 lakh metric tonnes of fertilizers to Chhattisgarh, which is just 55 per cent of the state’s demand. The quantity of fertilizer demanded by the Chhattisgarh has already been reduced by 45 per cent by the Government of India. 4.11 lakh metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers approved by the Government of India to Chhattisgarh for the current Rabi season include 2 lakh metric tonnes Urea, 60,000 metric tonnes DAP, 50,000 metric tonnes NPK, 26,000 metric tonnes MOP and 75,000 metric tonnes SSP.

Agriculture Minister Mr. Choubey informed that against the approved quantity of 4.11 lakh metric tonnes, the Government of India has issued a plan to supply 3 lakh 46 thousand 225 metric tonnes of fertilizers to Chhattisgarh from October to February. Against the supply plan, only 2 lakh 12 thousand 162 metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers have been supplied to Chhattisgarh, which is only 52 per cent of the approved quantity for the state. He added that the information regarding providing 4.36 lakh metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers by Government of India, against the total requirement of Chhattisgarh, is false and misleading.

The Agriculture Minister also informed that in Rabi season 2021-22, even if the amount of chemical fertilizers saved in the state as on October 1, 2021, and the quantity of new supply by the Government of India are combined, the total quantity of chemical fertilizers is 3 lakh 69 thousand 817 metric tonnes, which is much less than 4 lakh 36 thousand metric tonnes of the quantity being informed by the Government of India. He said that the information regarding providing 4 lakh 36 thousand metric tonnes of fertilizers to the state of Chhattisgarh by the Government of India is completely untrue.